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求2-PAC ‘HIT EM UP ’中英歌词!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 03:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:59

2Pac - Hit'Em Up
黑帮ヤ潴潴 制作 QQ 261896725
2Pac fans交流QQ群43931676I ain't got no mother*in friends 我没有TM的朋友
That's why I *ed yo' bitch, you fat mother*er 那就是为什么我*了你的女人,你这死胖子
(take money) West side!! (拿上钱)西岸!
Bad Boy killers <Bad Boy>杀手
(take money) You know the realest is niggaz (拿上钱)你知道谁是最真实的黑鬼
(take money) We bring it to you (拿上钱)我们让你知道First off, * your bitch and the click you claim 最后给我离远点,我要声明我*的*
West side when we ride come equipped with game 当我们西岸到来的时候我们已经整装待发
You claim to be a player but I *ed your wife 你说你说*但是我曾经干了你的老婆
We bust on Bad Boy niggaz *ed for life 我们这辈子和Bad Boy的混蛋干上了
Plus Puffy tryin ta see me weak hearts I rip 另外,Puff想要看我心跳变的微弱
Biggie Smallz and Junior M.A.F.I.A. some mark ass bitches 我撕碎自以为是的BIGGIE还有JUNIOR M.A.F.I.A这些被划定目标的*
We keep on comin' while we runnin for ya jewels 我们不断前进,向你们的珠宝跑来
steady gunnin, keep on bustin at the fools, you know the rules 抓好*,让它对着白痴们的胸前,你知道这就是统治者
Little Ceaser, go ask ya homie how I leave ya 一会停止了,去告诉你的兄弟我是如何离开你们的
cut your young ass up, leave you in pieces, now be deceased 戳烂你的*,把你切成碎片,现在你已经成了死人
Lil Kim, don't * around with real G's <Lil Kim 别烦真正的帮派分子>
Quick to snatch yo' ugly ass off tha street, so * peace 快点抬起你丑陋的*离开这条街,去TM的和平
I let them niggas know it's on for life 我让那些黑鬼知道这是一辈子的
So let the West side ride tonight hahahah 所以今夜让西部掌控这一切 哈哈
Bad Boy murdered on wax, and killed <Bad Boy被暗杀,已经死了>
Fuck wit' me and get ya caps peeled, you know ... see ...和我作对你的帽子会掉落,你知道,看…Grab ya glocks, when you see Tupac 掏出*,当你看到2pac
Call the cops, when you see Tupac, uhh 叫*,当你看到2pac
Who shot me, but ya punks didn't finish 谁开*打了我,但是你这白痴没有把我干掉
Now ya bout to feel the wrath of a menace 现在你们会感受到我的愤怒
NIGGA, I hit em' up... 哥们,干掉他们.Check this out, you mutha*as know what time it is 听着,你们这些混蛋知道这是什么时候
I don't even know why I'm on this track 我不知道为什么我会在这首歌里
ya'll nigguz ain't even on my level 你们这些黑鬼和我不是一个水平
I'ma let my little homies ride on you 我将让我的小兄弟来管制你
bitch made-ass bad boy bitches -- deal with it!! *养大的BAD BOY的*们,解决它!Get out the way yo, get out the way yo 滚开,滚开
Biggie Smallz just got dropped <Biggie Smallz已经摔倒了>
Little Moo, pass the Mac, and let me hit him in his back <Little Moo到Mac,现在让我在他背后给他们一击>
Frank White need to get spanked right, for settin tracks <Frank White要打你的*,坐好了>
little accident murderer, and I ain't never heard-a ya 小业余谋杀者,我从没听说过你
Poisinous gats attack when I'm servin ya 给你致命的*击就是我在伺候你
Spank the shank ya whole style when I dank 傻子,当我来的时候秀出你的全部技能
Guard your rank, cause I'ma slam you in the pavement 当心点,我要打烂你的*
Puffy weaker that a *in rocka wanna do <nigga puff这没用的摇滚爱好者想要做点什么>
and, I'll smoke ya junior mafia in front of you, nigga 我还是会在你们Junior Mafia面前抽烟,哥们
With the ready power tuckin my Guess under my Eddie Bauer 我的*已经准备好了在EDDIE BAUER的命令下
ya clout, pretty sour I get packages every hour 子弹上膛,任何时候我都整装待发
and hit em up 去干掉他们!Grab ya glocks, when you see Tupac 掏出*,当你看到2pac
Call the cops, when you see Tupac, uhh 叫*,当你看到2pac
Who shot me, but ya punks didn't finish 谁开*打了我,但是你这白痴没有把我干掉
Now ya bout to feel the wrath of a menace 现在你们会感受到我的愤怒
Mother*er, I hit em up 混蛋,干死他们!Peep how we do it, keep it real, it's penitentiary steel 同龄人看我们所做的,保持真实,这是收容所
this aint no freestyle battle, all you niggaz gettin 这不是FS比赛,所有你们都将被
killed with ya mouths open 杀死还把嘴巴张大
tryin to come up offa me, you in the clouds hoping 想要超越我,你是在黑云里做梦
smokin dope it's like a sherm high 你抽太high了
Niggaz think they learned to fly 这些黑鬼以为他们学会飞了
But they burned mutha*a, you deserve to die 但是他们引火烧身,你们准备去死吧
Talkin bout you gettin money but its funny to me 和我说你赚钱了,对我来说真是滑稽
all you niggaz live in worry while you're *in with me 你们都将流落街头,当你和我作对
I'm a self made milionare 我是独立奋斗的百万富翁
Thug Livin out a prison, pistols in the air, hahaha 我是生活在监狱外的暴徒,拿着手*对着天空,哈哈
Biggie, remember when I used to let you sleep on my couch Biggie,记得我曾经让你在我车上睡的
and beg the bitch to let you sleep in the house, ahh 现在你却乞求你的女人让你睡在房子里,哈哈
Now its all about Versacci, you copied my style 现在轮到Versacci,你抄袭了我的风格
Five shots couldn't drop me, I took it, and smiled 5*没让我倒下,我活了下来,对着你微笑
Now I'm bout to set the record straight, with my AK 现在我要拿着我的AK发行我的的专辑
I'm still the thug you love to hate 我仍然是那个你喜欢诅咒的暴徒
I'm from N-E-W Jerz, where plenty murders occur 我来自新泽西,那里有着许多谋杀发生
No points to be calmer, we bringin drama to all you heard 我们没有让她平静,我们让你听到艺术
Knuckle check the scenario, Little Cease 慢慢想吧,Little Ceaze
I bring you fake G's to your knees 我让你这假帮派分子跪下
Coppin pleas to 'De Janeiro' 抄袭'De Janeiro'
Lil Kim, is you coked up, or doped up? Lil Kim你是受刺激了还是抽多了?
Get ya lil Junior Whopper click smoked up, what the * 收起你那低级谎话吧,TM的怎么回事
is you STUPID?!?! I take money, crash and mash through Brooklyn 你傻了?!?!我带上钱,给了布鲁克林一个冲击
with my click lootin, shootin and pollutin ya block 用我的战利品在你的街区举行选举
with 15 shots cock glock to your knot 用15个XX*那个肿瘤
Outlaw mafia click movin up another notch <Outlaw黑手党到达下一个目标>
And you bast stops squaws get mopped and dropped 然后你的票房惨败
All your fake-ass east coast props brainstormed and locked 你们这些东海岸假货都想要这起思维暴风雨还有想要被关起Youse a, beat biter, a Pac style taker 你是个偷beat用的人,抄袭pac风格的小偷
I'll tell you to ya face you aint shit but a faker 我告诉你什么都不是,只是个欺骗者
Softer than Alize with a chaser 比被驱逐的Aliz-A还软
Bout to get murdered for the paper 你会因为钱被谋杀了
E.D.I. Mean approach the scene of the caper <E.D.I想要模仿帽子杀手的镜头>
Write a caper, like a loc, with little ceaser in a choke hold 非常地道,呼吸都屏住了
Totin smoke, we aint no mutha*in joke 小口的抽着,我TM没有在开玩笑
Thug Life, niggaz betta be knowin, we approchin 黑鬼们最好知道,我们一直在接近暴徒生活
in the wide open, guns smokin 外面,*在冒烟
no need for hopin its a battle lost, I got across 从来没有必要希望这场战争消失,我很生气
Soon as the funk was poppin off 很快,这首FUNK音乐就要结束了
Nigga I hit em up 哥们,干掉他们!Now you tell me who won 现在你告诉我谁赢了
I see them, they run 我一看到他们他们就跑
They don't wanna see us 他们不想看到我们
Whole Junior M.A.F.I.A. click dressin up tryin ta be us< Whole Junior M.A.F.I.A想要装成我们的样子>
How the * they gonna be the mob when we always on our job 当我们工作的时候那些乌合之众TM的在干什么
We millionaires, killin ain't fair but somebody gotta do it 我们是百万富翁,残杀并不是好事但是总有人要这么做
Oh yeah, Mobb Deep, you wanna * with us? <Oh yeah,Mobb Deep,就你TM的还想和我们作对?>
You little young ass mother*ers 你TM的太嫩了!!
Don't one of you niggaz got sickle cell or somethin? 你们的其中一个神了还是什么?
You *in with me nigga you * around 你和我作对你死定了
and have a seizure or a heart-attack 你会被我抓到或者是心脏病发作
You better back the * up, fore you get smacked the * up 在你被我狠狠揍一顿之前你最好给我TM的滚回去
That's how we do it on our side 这就是我们在我们的地盘所要做的
Any of you niggaz from New York that wanna bring it bring it 你们这些纽约来的黑鬼想捣乱
But we ain't singin, we bringin drama 但是我们不只是唱歌,我们还玩真的
Fuck you and your mother*in mama *还有你那该死的老妈
We gonna kill all you mother*ers 我们会把你们这些混蛋都杀了
Now when I came out I told you it was just about Biggie 现在让我来告诉你们关于Biggie的事
Then everybody had to open their mouth with a mother*in opinion 每一个人都要张开你们的嘴TM的发表意见
Fuck Mobb Deep 操Mobb Deep
Fuck Biggie *iggie
Fuck Bad Boy as a staff record label *ad Boy的全体成员
and as a mother*in crew TM的混蛋组合
And if you wanna be down with Bad Boy 如果你想要和Bad Boy一起倒下
Then * you too 我也*
Chino XL, * you too <Chino XL,我也*>
All you mother*ers 你们这些混蛋Alla y'all mother*ers, * you die slow mother*er 你们这些所有的混蛋,好久没做早操了的去死吧
My fo'-fo' make sure all y'all kids don't grow 我确定我的44手*不会让你们孩子长大
You mother*ers can't be us or see us 你们这些混蛋不能成为我们或者看到我们
We the mother*in Thug Life ridahs West side till we die! 我们过着TM的暴徒生活,一辈子都是西岸统治者,直到死
Out here in California we warn ya we'll bomb on you mother*ers 在California我们警告过你们,我们会把你们这些混蛋炸死
We do our job 我们在执行我们的职责
You think you mob, nigga we the mother*in mob 你觉得你是暴徒,小子,我们才是TM的暴徒
Ain't nuttin but killers and the real niggaz 我们什么都不是只是杀手和真实的黑鬼
All you mother*ers feel us 你们这些混蛋感受到我们了没
Our shit's going triple and four-quadruple 我们的力量是你们的3、4倍You niggaz blast as our staff got guns at they 你们这些黑鬼在笑,但是我们的兄弟已经拿好*了
mother*ers back, you know how it is 该死的地方,你们知道这是什么样的
When we drop records they feel it 当我们发专辑时他们能感受到
You niggaz can't feel it 你们这些黑鬼不能感受到
We the realest, * EM, we Bad Boy killin 我们是最真实的,操他们,我们是Bad Boy杀手

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:59

2Pac - Hit'Em Up
黑帮ヤ潴潴 制作 QQ 261896725
2Pac fans交流QQ群43931676I ain't got no mother*in friends 我没有TM的朋友
That's why I *ed yo' bitch, you fat mother*er 那就是为什么我*了你的女人,你这死胖子
(take money) West side!! (拿上钱)西岸!
Bad Boy killers <Bad Boy>杀手
(take money) You know the realest is niggaz (拿上钱)你知道谁是最真实的黑鬼
(take money) We bring it to you (拿上钱)我们让你知道First off, * your bitch and the click you claim 最后给我离远点,我要声明我*的*
West side when we ride come equipped with game 当我们西岸到来的时候我们已经整装待发
You claim to be a player but I *ed your wife 你说你说*但是我曾经干了你的老婆
We bust on Bad Boy niggaz *ed for life 我们这辈子和Bad Boy的混蛋干上了
Plus Puffy tryin ta see me weak hearts I rip 另外,Puff想要看我心跳变的微弱
Biggie Smallz and Junior M.A.F.I.A. some mark ass bitches 我撕碎自以为是的BIGGIE还有JUNIOR M.A.F.I.A这些被划定目标的*
We keep on comin' while we runnin for ya jewels 我们不断前进,向你们的珠宝跑来
steady gunnin, keep on bustin at the fools, you know the rules 抓好*,让它对着白痴们的胸前,你知道这就是统治者
Little Ceaser, go ask ya homie how I leave ya 一会停止了,去告诉你的兄弟我是如何离开你们的
cut your young ass up, leave you in pieces, now be deceased 戳烂你的*,把你切成碎片,现在你已经成了死人
Lil Kim, don't * around with real G's <Lil Kim 别烦真正的帮派分子>
Quick to snatch yo' ugly ass off tha street, so * peace 快点抬起你丑陋的*离开这条街,去TM的和平
I let them niggas know it's on for life 我让那些黑鬼知道这是一辈子的
So let the West side ride tonight hahahah 所以今夜让西部掌控这一切 哈哈
Bad Boy murdered on wax, and killed <Bad Boy被暗杀,已经死了>
Fuck wit' me and get ya caps peeled, you know ... see ...和我作对你的帽子会掉落,你知道,看…Grab ya glocks, when you see Tupac 掏出*,当你看到2pac
Call the cops, when you see Tupac, uhh 叫*,当你看到2pac
Who shot me, but ya punks didn't finish 谁开*打了我,但是你这白痴没有把我干掉
Now ya bout to feel the wrath of a menace 现在你们会感受到我的愤怒
NIGGA, I hit em' up... 哥们,干掉他们.Check this out, you mutha*as know what time it is 听着,你们这些混蛋知道这是什么时候
I don't even know why I'm on this track 我不知道为什么我会在这首歌里
ya'll nigguz ain't even on my level 你们这些黑鬼和我不是一个水平
I'ma let my little homies ride on you 我将让我的小兄弟来管制你
bitch made-ass bad boy bitches -- deal with it!! *养大的BAD BOY的*们,解决它!Get out the way yo, get out the way yo 滚开,滚开
Biggie Smallz just got dropped <Biggie Smallz已经摔倒了>
Little Moo, pass the Mac, and let me hit him in his back <Little Moo到Mac,现在让我在他背后给他们一击>
Frank White need to get spanked right, for settin tracks <Frank White要打你的*,坐好了>
little accident murderer, and I ain't never heard-a ya 小业余谋杀者,我从没听说过你
Poisinous gats attack when I'm servin ya 给你致命的*击就是我在伺候你
Spank the shank ya whole style when I dank 傻子,当我来的时候秀出你的全部技能
Guard your rank, cause I'ma slam you in the pavement 当心点,我要打烂你的*
Puffy weaker that a *in rocka wanna do <nigga puff这没用的摇滚爱好者想要做点什么>
and, I'll smoke ya junior mafia in front of you, nigga 我还是会在你们Junior Mafia面前抽烟,哥们
With the ready power tuckin my Guess under my Eddie Bauer 我的*已经准备好了在EDDIE BAUER的命令下
ya clout, pretty sour I get packages every hour 子弹上膛,任何时候我都整装待发
and hit em up 去干掉他们!Grab ya glocks, when you see Tupac 掏出*,当你看到2pac
Call the cops, when you see Tupac, uhh 叫*,当你看到2pac
Who shot me, but ya punks didn't finish 谁开*打了我,但是你这白痴没有把我干掉
Now ya bout to feel the wrath of a menace 现在你们会感受到我的愤怒
Mother*er, I hit em up 混蛋,干死他们!Peep how we do it, keep it real, it's penitentiary steel 同龄人看我们所做的,保持真实,这是收容所
this aint no freestyle battle, all you niggaz gettin 这不是FS比赛,所有你们都将被
killed with ya mouths open 杀死还把嘴巴张大
tryin to come up offa me, you in the clouds hoping 想要超越我,你是在黑云里做梦
smokin dope it's like a sherm high 你抽太high了
Niggaz think they learned to fly 这些黑鬼以为他们学会飞了
But they burned mutha*a, you deserve to die 但是他们引火烧身,你们准备去死吧
Talkin bout you gettin money but its funny to me 和我说你赚钱了,对我来说真是滑稽
all you niggaz live in worry while you're *in with me 你们都将流落街头,当你和我作对
I'm a self made milionare 我是独立奋斗的百万富翁
Thug Livin out a prison, pistols in the air, hahaha 我是生活在监狱外的暴徒,拿着手*对着天空,哈哈
Biggie, remember when I used to let you sleep on my couch Biggie,记得我曾经让你在我车上睡的
and beg the bitch to let you sleep in the house, ahh 现在你却乞求你的女人让你睡在房子里,哈哈
Now its all about Versacci, you copied my style 现在轮到Versacci,你抄袭了我的风格
Five shots couldn't drop me, I took it, and smiled 5*没让我倒下,我活了下来,对着你微笑
Now I'm bout to set the record straight, with my AK 现在我要拿着我的AK发行我的的专辑
I'm still the thug you love to hate 我仍然是那个你喜欢诅咒的暴徒
I'm from N-E-W Jerz, where plenty murders occur 我来自新泽西,那里有着许多谋杀发生
No points to be calmer, we bringin drama to all you heard 我们没有让她平静,我们让你听到艺术
Knuckle check the scenario, Little Cease 慢慢想吧,Little Ceaze
I bring you fake G's to your knees 我让你这假帮派分子跪下
Coppin pleas to 'De Janeiro' 抄袭'De Janeiro'
Lil Kim, is you coked up, or doped up? Lil Kim你是受刺激了还是抽多了?
Get ya lil Junior Whopper click smoked up, what the * 收起你那低级谎话吧,TM的怎么回事
is you STUPID?!?! I take money, crash and mash through Brooklyn 你傻了?!?!我带上钱,给了布鲁克林一个冲击
with my click lootin, shootin and pollutin ya block 用我的战利品在你的街区举行选举
with 15 shots cock glock to your knot 用15个XX*那个肿瘤
Outlaw mafia click movin up another notch <Outlaw黑手党到达下一个目标>
And you bast stops squaws get mopped and dropped 然后你的票房惨败
All your fake-ass east coast props brainstormed and locked 你们这些东海岸假货都想要这起思维暴风雨还有想要被关起Youse a, beat biter, a Pac style taker 你是个偷beat用的人,抄袭pac风格的小偷
I'll tell you to ya face you aint shit but a faker 我告诉你什么都不是,只是个欺骗者
Softer than Alize with a chaser 比被驱逐的Aliz-A还软
Bout to get murdered for the paper 你会因为钱被谋杀了
E.D.I. Mean approach the scene of the caper <E.D.I想要模仿帽子杀手的镜头>
Write a caper, like a loc, with little ceaser in a choke hold 非常地道,呼吸都屏住了
Totin smoke, we aint no mutha*in joke 小口的抽着,我TM没有在开玩笑
Thug Life, niggaz betta be knowin, we approchin 黑鬼们最好知道,我们一直在接近暴徒生活
in the wide open, guns smokin 外面,*在冒烟
no need for hopin its a battle lost, I got across 从来没有必要希望这场战争消失,我很生气
Soon as the funk was poppin off 很快,这首FUNK音乐就要结束了
Nigga I hit em up 哥们,干掉他们!Now you tell me who won 现在你告诉我谁赢了
I see them, they run 我一看到他们他们就跑
They don't wanna see us 他们不想看到我们
Whole Junior M.A.F.I.A. click dressin up tryin ta be us< Whole Junior M.A.F.I.A想要装成我们的样子>
How the * they gonna be the mob when we always on our job 当我们工作的时候那些乌合之众TM的在干什么
We millionaires, killin ain't fair but somebody gotta do it 我们是百万富翁,残杀并不是好事但是总有人要这么做
Oh yeah, Mobb Deep, you wanna * with us? <Oh yeah,Mobb Deep,就你TM的还想和我们作对?>
You little young ass mother*ers 你TM的太嫩了!!
Don't one of you niggaz got sickle cell or somethin? 你们的其中一个神了还是什么?
You *in with me nigga you * around 你和我作对你死定了
and have a seizure or a heart-attack 你会被我抓到或者是心脏病发作
You better back the * up, fore you get smacked the * up 在你被我狠狠揍一顿之前你最好给我TM的滚回去
That's how we do it on our side 这就是我们在我们的地盘所要做的
Any of you niggaz from New York that wanna bring it bring it 你们这些纽约来的黑鬼想捣乱
But we ain't singin, we bringin drama 但是我们不只是唱歌,我们还玩真的
Fuck you and your mother*in mama *还有你那该死的老妈
We gonna kill all you mother*ers 我们会把你们这些混蛋都杀了
Now when I came out I told you it was just about Biggie 现在让我来告诉你们关于Biggie的事
Then everybody had to open their mouth with a mother*in opinion 每一个人都要张开你们的嘴TM的发表意见
Fuck Mobb Deep 操Mobb Deep
Fuck Biggie *iggie
Fuck Bad Boy as a staff record label *ad Boy的全体成员
and as a mother*in crew TM的混蛋组合
And if you wanna be down with Bad Boy 如果你想要和Bad Boy一起倒下
Then * you too 我也*
Chino XL, * you too <Chino XL,我也*>
All you mother*ers 你们这些混蛋Alla y'all mother*ers, * you die slow mother*er 你们这些所有的混蛋,好久没做早操了的去死吧
My fo'-fo' make sure all y'all kids don't grow 我确定我的44手*不会让你们孩子长大
You mother*ers can't be us or see us 你们这些混蛋不能成为我们或者看到我们
We the mother*in Thug Life ridahs West side till we die! 我们过着TM的暴徒生活,一辈子都是西岸统治者,直到死
Out here in California we warn ya we'll bomb on you mother*ers 在California我们警告过你们,我们会把你们这些混蛋炸死
We do our job 我们在执行我们的职责
You think you mob, nigga we the mother*in mob 你觉得你是暴徒,小子,我们才是TM的暴徒
Ain't nuttin but killers and the real niggaz 我们什么都不是只是杀手和真实的黑鬼
All you mother*ers feel us 你们这些混蛋感受到我们了没
Our shit's going triple and four-quadruple 我们的力量是你们的3、4倍You niggaz blast as our staff got guns at they 你们这些黑鬼在笑,但是我们的兄弟已经拿好*了
mother*ers back, you know how it is 该死的地方,你们知道这是什么样的
When we drop records they feel it 当我们发专辑时他们能感受到
You niggaz can't feel it 你们这些黑鬼不能感受到
We the realest, * EM, we Bad Boy killin 我们是最真实的,操他们,我们是Bad Boy杀手

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:59

2Pac - Hit'Em Up
黑帮ヤ潴潴 制作 QQ 261896725
2Pac fans交流QQ群43931676I ain't got no mother*in friends 我没有TM的朋友
That's why I *ed yo' bitch, you fat mother*er 那就是为什么我*了你的女人,你这死胖子
(take money) West side!! (拿上钱)西岸!
Bad Boy killers <Bad Boy>杀手
(take money) You know the realest is niggaz (拿上钱)你知道谁是最真实的黑鬼
(take money) We bring it to you (拿上钱)我们让你知道First off, * your bitch and the click you claim 最后给我离远点,我要声明我*的*
West side when we ride come equipped with game 当我们西岸到来的时候我们已经整装待发
You claim to be a player but I *ed your wife 你说你说*但是我曾经干了你的老婆
We bust on Bad Boy niggaz *ed for life 我们这辈子和Bad Boy的混蛋干上了
Plus Puffy tryin ta see me weak hearts I rip 另外,Puff想要看我心跳变的微弱
Biggie Smallz and Junior M.A.F.I.A. some mark ass bitches 我撕碎自以为是的BIGGIE还有JUNIOR M.A.F.I.A这些被划定目标的*
We keep on comin' while we runnin for ya jewels 我们不断前进,向你们的珠宝跑来
steady gunnin, keep on bustin at the fools, you know the rules 抓好*,让它对着白痴们的胸前,你知道这就是统治者
Little Ceaser, go ask ya homie how I leave ya 一会停止了,去告诉你的兄弟我是如何离开你们的
cut your young ass up, leave you in pieces, now be deceased 戳烂你的*,把你切成碎片,现在你已经成了死人
Lil Kim, don't * around with real G's <Lil Kim 别烦真正的帮派分子>
Quick to snatch yo' ugly ass off tha street, so * peace 快点抬起你丑陋的*离开这条街,去TM的和平
I let them niggas know it's on for life 我让那些黑鬼知道这是一辈子的
So let the West side ride tonight hahahah 所以今夜让西部掌控这一切 哈哈
Bad Boy murdered on wax, and killed <Bad Boy被暗杀,已经死了>
Fuck wit' me and get ya caps peeled, you know ... see ...和我作对你的帽子会掉落,你知道,看…Grab ya glocks, when you see Tupac 掏出*,当你看到2pac
Call the cops, when you see Tupac, uhh 叫*,当你看到2pac
Who shot me, but ya punks didn't finish 谁开*打了我,但是你这白痴没有把我干掉
Now ya bout to feel the wrath of a menace 现在你们会感受到我的愤怒
NIGGA, I hit em' up... 哥们,干掉他们.Check this out, you mutha*as know what time it is 听着,你们这些混蛋知道这是什么时候
I don't even know why I'm on this track 我不知道为什么我会在这首歌里
ya'll nigguz ain't even on my level 你们这些黑鬼和我不是一个水平
I'ma let my little homies ride on you 我将让我的小兄弟来管制你
bitch made-ass bad boy bitches -- deal with it!! *养大的BAD BOY的*们,解决它!Get out the way yo, get out the way yo 滚开,滚开
Biggie Smallz just got dropped <Biggie Smallz已经摔倒了>
Little Moo, pass the Mac, and let me hit him in his back <Little Moo到Mac,现在让我在他背后给他们一击>
Frank White need to get spanked right, for settin tracks <Frank White要打你的*,坐好了>
little accident murderer, and I ain't never heard-a ya 小业余谋杀者,我从没听说过你
Poisinous gats attack when I'm servin ya 给你致命的*击就是我在伺候你
Spank the shank ya whole style when I dank 傻子,当我来的时候秀出你的全部技能
Guard your rank, cause I'ma slam you in the pavement 当心点,我要打烂你的*
Puffy weaker that a *in rocka wanna do <nigga puff这没用的摇滚爱好者想要做点什么>
and, I'll smoke ya junior mafia in front of you, nigga 我还是会在你们Junior Mafia面前抽烟,哥们
With the ready power tuckin my Guess under my Eddie Bauer 我的*已经准备好了在EDDIE BAUER的命令下
ya clout, pretty sour I get packages every hour 子弹上膛,任何时候我都整装待发
and hit em up 去干掉他们!Grab ya glocks, when you see Tupac 掏出*,当你看到2pac
Call the cops, when you see Tupac, uhh 叫*,当你看到2pac
Who shot me, but ya punks didn't finish 谁开*打了我,但是你这白痴没有把我干掉
Now ya bout to feel the wrath of a menace 现在你们会感受到我的愤怒
Mother*er, I hit em up 混蛋,干死他们!Peep how we do it, keep it real, it's penitentiary steel 同龄人看我们所做的,保持真实,这是收容所
this aint no freestyle battle, all you niggaz gettin 这不是FS比赛,所有你们都将被
killed with ya mouths open 杀死还把嘴巴张大
tryin to come up offa me, you in the clouds hoping 想要超越我,你是在黑云里做梦
smokin dope it's like a sherm high 你抽太high了
Niggaz think they learned to fly 这些黑鬼以为他们学会飞了
But they burned mutha*a, you deserve to die 但是他们引火烧身,你们准备去死吧
Talkin bout you gettin money but its funny to me 和我说你赚钱了,对我来说真是滑稽
all you niggaz live in worry while you're *in with me 你们都将流落街头,当你和我作对
I'm a self made milionare 我是独立奋斗的百万富翁
Thug Livin out a prison, pistols in the air, hahaha 我是生活在监狱外的暴徒,拿着手*对着天空,哈哈
Biggie, remember when I used to let you sleep on my couch Biggie,记得我曾经让你在我车上睡的
and beg the bitch to let you sleep in the house, ahh 现在你却乞求你的女人让你睡在房子里,哈哈
Now its all about Versacci, you copied my style 现在轮到Versacci,你抄袭了我的风格
Five shots couldn't drop me, I took it, and smiled 5*没让我倒下,我活了下来,对着你微笑
Now I'm bout to set the record straight, with my AK 现在我要拿着我的AK发行我的的专辑
I'm still the thug you love to hate 我仍然是那个你喜欢诅咒的暴徒
I'm from N-E-W Jerz, where plenty murders occur 我来自新泽西,那里有着许多谋杀发生
No points to be calmer, we bringin drama to all you heard 我们没有让她平静,我们让你听到艺术
Knuckle check the scenario, Little Cease 慢慢想吧,Little Ceaze
I bring you fake G's to your knees 我让你这假帮派分子跪下
Coppin pleas to 'De Janeiro' 抄袭'De Janeiro'
Lil Kim, is you coked up, or doped up? Lil Kim你是受刺激了还是抽多了?
Get ya lil Junior Whopper click smoked up, what the * 收起你那低级谎话吧,TM的怎么回事
is you STUPID?!?! I take money, crash and mash through Brooklyn 你傻了?!?!我带上钱,给了布鲁克林一个冲击
with my click lootin, shootin and pollutin ya block 用我的战利品在你的街区举行选举
with 15 shots cock glock to your knot 用15个XX*那个肿瘤
Outlaw mafia click movin up another notch <Outlaw黑手党到达下一个目标>
And you bast stops squaws get mopped and dropped 然后你的票房惨败
All your fake-ass east coast props brainstormed and locked 你们这些东海岸假货都想要这起思维暴风雨还有想要被关起Youse a, beat biter, a Pac style taker 你是个偷beat用的人,抄袭pac风格的小偷
I'll tell you to ya face you aint shit but a faker 我告诉你什么都不是,只是个欺骗者
Softer than Alize with a chaser 比被驱逐的Aliz-A还软
Bout to get murdered for the paper 你会因为钱被谋杀了
E.D.I. Mean approach the scene of the caper <E.D.I想要模仿帽子杀手的镜头>
Write a caper, like a loc, with little ceaser in a choke hold 非常地道,呼吸都屏住了
Totin smoke, we aint no mutha*in joke 小口的抽着,我TM没有在开玩笑
Thug Life, niggaz betta be knowin, we approchin 黑鬼们最好知道,我们一直在接近暴徒生活
in the wide open, guns smokin 外面,*在冒烟
no need for hopin its a battle lost, I got across 从来没有必要希望这场战争消失,我很生气
Soon as the funk was poppin off 很快,这首FUNK音乐就要结束了
Nigga I hit em up 哥们,干掉他们!Now you tell me who won 现在你告诉我谁赢了
I see them, they run 我一看到他们他们就跑
They don't wanna see us 他们不想看到我们
Whole Junior M.A.F.I.A. click dressin up tryin ta be us< Whole Junior M.A.F.I.A想要装成我们的样子>
How the * they gonna be the mob when we always on our job 当我们工作的时候那些乌合之众TM的在干什么
We millionaires, killin ain't fair but somebody gotta do it 我们是百万富翁,残杀并不是好事但是总有人要这么做
Oh yeah, Mobb Deep, you wanna * with us? <Oh yeah,Mobb Deep,就你TM的还想和我们作对?>
You little young ass mother*ers 你TM的太嫩了!!
Don't one of you niggaz got sickle cell or somethin? 你们的其中一个神了还是什么?
You *in with me nigga you * around 你和我作对你死定了
and have a seizure or a heart-attack 你会被我抓到或者是心脏病发作
You better back the * up, fore you get smacked the * up 在你被我狠狠揍一顿之前你最好给我TM的滚回去
That's how we do it on our side 这就是我们在我们的地盘所要做的
Any of you niggaz from New York that wanna bring it bring it 你们这些纽约来的黑鬼想捣乱
But we ain't singin, we bringin drama 但是我们不只是唱歌,我们还玩真的
Fuck you and your mother*in mama *还有你那该死的老妈
We gonna kill all you mother*ers 我们会把你们这些混蛋都杀了
Now when I came out I told you it was just about Biggie 现在让我来告诉你们关于Biggie的事
Then everybody had to open their mouth with a mother*in opinion 每一个人都要张开你们的嘴TM的发表意见
Fuck Mobb Deep 操Mobb Deep
Fuck Biggie *iggie
Fuck Bad Boy as a staff record label *ad Boy的全体成员
and as a mother*in crew TM的混蛋组合
And if you wanna be down with Bad Boy 如果你想要和Bad Boy一起倒下
Then * you too 我也*
Chino XL, * you too <Chino XL,我也*>
All you mother*ers 你们这些混蛋Alla y'all mother*ers, * you die slow mother*er 你们这些所有的混蛋,好久没做早操了的去死吧
My fo'-fo' make sure all y'all kids don't grow 我确定我的44手*不会让你们孩子长大
You mother*ers can't be us or see us 你们这些混蛋不能成为我们或者看到我们
We the mother*in Thug Life ridahs West side till we die! 我们过着TM的暴徒生活,一辈子都是西岸统治者,直到死
Out here in California we warn ya we'll bomb on you mother*ers 在California我们警告过你们,我们会把你们这些混蛋炸死
We do our job 我们在执行我们的职责
You think you mob, nigga we the mother*in mob 你觉得你是暴徒,小子,我们才是TM的暴徒
Ain't nuttin but killers and the real niggaz 我们什么都不是只是杀手和真实的黑鬼
All you mother*ers feel us 你们这些混蛋感受到我们了没
Our shit's going triple and four-quadruple 我们的力量是你们的3、4倍You niggaz blast as our staff got guns at they 你们这些黑鬼在笑,但是我们的兄弟已经拿好*了
mother*ers back, you know how it is 该死的地方,你们知道这是什么样的
When we drop records they feel it 当我们发专辑时他们能感受到
You niggaz can't feel it 你们这些黑鬼不能感受到
We the realest, * EM, we Bad Boy killin 我们是最真实的,操他们,我们是Bad Boy杀手
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