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用my favorite food ,my favorite animal,my faverite sports.写...

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-31 22:47



用my favorite food ,my favorite animal,my faverite sports.写...

My Favourite Food I eat many kinds of fruits. They are pears, watermelons, apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries and so on. But I like grapes best. There are green grapes, red grapes and purple grapes. They all look beautiful. Grapes taste very nice . They are sweet and a ...

用my favorite food ,my favorite animal,my faverite sports.写...

My Favourite Food I eat many kinds of fruits. They are pears, watermelons, apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries and so on. But I like grapes best. There are green grapes, red grapes and purple grapes. They all look beautiful. Grapes taste very nice . They are sweet and a ...

以My favorite_写一篇英语简短作文

My Favorite fruit,my faverite fruit is apple .the apple has two kinds .one is red apple and another is green apple.but i think the red apples are sweeper than green apple / i like red apple very much . although the green apples are.not bad .but i think the best apples...


我的名字叫叶子(音译),我的英文名叫 Jasmine。我的生日是12月24日。我来自中国。我生活在苏州市。我说中文。我非常喜欢运动。周末的时候,我和我的朋友静琳(音译)去打网球,或是和另外一个朋友Lisa打乒乓球。我最喜欢的学科是英文和历史。我非常喜欢学校的英文课,因为我的英文老师非常有趣。我...

英语题目的 The Food I Like Best 作文

如下:There are many different kinds of food. My favorite food is fried rice.有许多不同种类的食物。我最喜欢的食物是炒饭。In China, most southerners eat rice. I like fried rice best.在中国,大多数南方人吃米饭。我最喜欢炒饭。It's really delicious. When I come home from school,...


你好,很高兴为你解答。保证正确率~!正确答案是:My favorite food is what my mom makes/ cooks for me.我最喜欢的食物是我妈妈做的东西 不懂请追问,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~望采纳,祝开心~!!!

初一英语作文i like sports,不少于60个单词

Sports can be good to our body. We can't study well without a good body. I like playing basketball, football, pingpong ball and so on. Pingpong ball is my favorite. Every afternoon after school I will play it with my classmates on the playground. I also joined the school ...

跪求英语作文My favorite successful person

My favorite star is a girl called Li Yuchun, who is well received by so many people coming from all over the world.In my eyes, she is a likely girl. As we know, she is always full of energy and confidence on the stage. With her great appeal, she immediately becomes a ...

My Favorite Music作文

I am a person who is very interested in music.My best pop singer is Jay Chou.His songs always sounds wonderful.When he was unknown, he worked hard to create good songs.I admire him for his hardwork.My parents like music,too.But their favourite singers are old and ...


五年级英语生日宴会作文五句 I have a party on my eleven birthday, many friends give me the present. There is a doll, a pen, a music box, a notebook, a book and a flower. My faverite present is the flower. The flower is very beautiful. Its colour is red. I like to ...

myfavoriteperson myfavoritepeople myfavoriteseason myfavoritefriend myfavoritenimal 以myfavoritemovie myfavoritecourse myfavoriteclass myfavouritemonth
雄安 为什么涨 中国对沙特,中国入球了吗 国足vs沙特首发是什么时候? 中国对沙特谁进的球 中国沙特阵容 河北雄县为什么这么火 河北雄县为什么火了 雄县 为什么突然这么火 为什么雄安新区这么火 总是听说好白菜都让猪拱了,到底是什么意思 去健身房一定要请私人教练吗425 龙华水斗新村附近有什么酒吧 消费怎么样1 想知道: 甘肃省 武威市九条岭煤矿 在哪8 政府对某产品征收消费税,将对产品的价格和销售量产生怎样的影响...14 电影《完美嫁衣》(又名《抱抱俏佳人》),杨千嬅 林峰 主演,...2 完美嫁衣林峰与杨千嬅合唱的主题曲叫什么名? 在健身房健身有必要请私人教练吗?1 某企业向一般纳税人企业购自用汽车一部,付含税价款265800... 汽车销售公司销售小轿车缴纳消费税吗?128 生产小汽车要交消费税吗13 excel中IF公式中同时满足2个条件的如何设置?高分悬赏在...2 税务高手进,关于消费税筹划的一个案例 完美嫁衣电影里的两首插曲分别叫名字?好好听!493 在健身房有必要请私人教练吗?7 请问第一次去健身房有必要请私人教练吗?112 常熟理文造纸有限公司叉车工待遇? 请问第一次去健身房有必要请私人教练吗?112 廉租房违规出租怎么处理 有谁知道龙华水斗新村房租怎么样啊?我是在展滔科技大厦附近上班... 大学-《有机化学》,大连理工大学出版社-主编:李红霞-答案4 poping街舞基础教学!视频可以看得啊 谢谢啊2 谁知道,广东振兴消防的七氟丙烷的优势是什么? 医院上午过号了可以下午去吗 用蜂蜜蛋清养头发有用吗?38 去健身房一定要请私人教练吗425 温州景天新能源科技有限公司怎么样? 安徽中祺新能源科技有限公司怎么样? 电风扇1.3档能转 2档不转,电机发热 是什么原因? 求街舞 全一点的视频教学 最好是POPING的 谢谢了 最好... 去健身房健身需不需要请私人教练啊?有用吗?118 请问下,今年的2月11号和2月12号是不是法定修假节日? 秦皇岛游泳培训班有哪些?怎么收费?7 ...会以短信方式提醒对方,请问是对方设计了什么吗? 秦皇岛适合五岁孩子上的暑假兴趣班1 海通证券用户登录时须填的通讯密码是指什么密码?2 秦皇岛哪个游泳馆有儿童游泳班一对一的 孩子想学游泳有没有培训班 海通证券交易登陆的通讯密码?20 我想给我5岁多的孩子报个游泳班。我家住在金盏。想找个附近的。...1 龙华水斗新村区号和电话号