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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 07:44



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 07:04

In present-day society, the human race is progressing at an unprecedented rate in a multitude of arenas. Accompanying all the boons brought about by the profound societal changes have come some sufferings, and _____ is very prominent among them. Some people assert that _____; while the adversaries strongly contend that ____. From my own perspective, their views have both merit and demerit.

Granted, there could be some positive effects ___may bring about. In the first place, 分论点一. For instance, 例证 / 语言论证。In the second place, 分论点二. 论证.

However, the opponents firmly believe that ____., and they against it for a couple of sound reasons. Firstly, ___. Secondly, ____. Thirdly, _____

In the final analysis, I concede that to some extent, 第一个观点. However, 第二个观点。 On balance, I am convinced that 自己的观点。

In this day and age, the Homo sapiens is advancing at a shocking rate in a host of domains. Along with all the boons brought about by the high-tech wonders have come some sufferings, and the ____ is manifest among them. A recent study concted by ____(机构名称) revealed that ____现象。Hence, it is of paramount importance that we ascertain the causes of ____ and identify the effective remedies of this phenomenon.

As I see it, the causes of _____ are manifold. Firstly, ____. Secondly, ______. Last but not the least, _____

Given the severity of _____. We have no alternative but to take vigorous measures to address this thorny issue. To begin with, -_____(resolution one): further, ____(resolution two): lastly,_____ (resolution three)

To summarize, the causes of __--are multiple. I just point out some of them. But if _____, _____ and ____ work together to resolve _______, the incidence of _____will fall immediately.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 07:04






热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 07:05

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