serial dictatorship 怎么解释
发布时间:2022-04-29 06:49
时间:2022-06-20 20:03
没办法 我只答英语
The form of the state structure
The system of the people's democratic dictatorship
(1) 国体
A 人专与无专的关系
B 人专的特点
C 人专的构成
D 人专的内容
(2) 经济基础
A 公有制为主体
B 各种所有制形式共同发展
(3) 精神文明
A 文化建设
B 思想建设
2 人民代表大会制度
The system of the National People's Congress
(1) 人代会制度的概述
(2) 人代会制度是我国的基本*制度
(3) 人代会制度的完善
3 选举制度
The electoral system
(1) 选举制度概述
(2) 选举制度的基本原则
(3) 选举制度的程序
4 国家结构形式
The form of the state structure
Outline of the fundamental rights of citizens
Rights and ties
Basic rights and human rights
Citizen and nationality
Development of citizens' basic rights
2 中国公民的基本权利
The fundamental rights of citizens in China
Equal rights
(2) *权利和自由
Political rights and freedoms
Right to supervision
Freedom of religious belief and person
Social economic rights
Cultural ecation rights
Special rights
3 中国公民的基本义务
The fundamental ties of citizens in China
Safeguard the unity of the country and the unity of all its nationalities
Abide by constitution and law, keep state secrets, protect bublic property, observe labour discipline nd public order, respect social ethics
Safeguard the security, honour and interests
Defend the motherland, perform military service and join the militia in accordance with the law
(4) 依法纳税
Pay taxes in accordance with law
(5) 其它义务
Other ties