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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 12:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:05

To start to work immediately or go on study in a postgraate programme ?That is the question facing us graates,who upon graation,feel puzzled at a crossroad in our life.Actually,most students will be faced with the dilemma when they graate from universities.Clearly,this is a challenging question:different people may hold radically different ideas.
I thinkt pursueing a graate study outweighs finding a job in almost every aspect. To my thinking,four years in college only lay more or less a solid foundation,and the development of experitise is yet to take place.The best way is to strike while the iron is hot so as to help the substantial progress to arrive earlier.Anyone who wants to excel in his field must be a specialist which requires tremendously sophisticated knowldge.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:05

To start to work immediately or go on study in a postgraate programme ?That is the question facing us graates,who upon graation,feel puzzled at a crossroad in our life.Actually,most students will be faced with the dilemma when they graate from universities.Clearly,this is a challenging question:different people may hold radically different ideas.
I thinkt pursueing a graate study outweighs finding a job in almost every aspect. To my thinking,four years in college only lay more or less a solid foundation,and the development of experitise is yet to take place.The best way is to strike while the iron is hot so as to help the substantial progress to arrive earlier.Anyone who wants to excel in his field must be a specialist which requires tremendously sophisticated knowldge.
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