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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 22:55



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 17:39


That was a late October evening, the very first day that I ever saw you. Love at first site you may say. What a feelings. I knew right then that I will be spending rest of my life with you. I still remember the very first smile in your face, looking down to me from your balcony. WOW, how could I forget that?


That was the year 2003, my very first year in Dhaka University. Life was wonderful, lots of fun at the university and home, in the old town of Dhaka. Just came out of all male college. Got the freedom of my life. No restriction from home, I can come home whenever I like or do whatever I want to do. Just like a bird, no limit.


 To be honest, until that ate October day, I did not a have any female friends. So you can forget about a girlfriend. I was very shy and always nervous when surrounded women. But that afternoon, a RED piece of thin cloth (Orna) just changed all that.


I was walking down the street, just enjoying a wonderful late afternoon. All of a sudden, a piece of cloth just dropped on me, covering my whole upper body. I got surprised and uncover myself. Look around me and then looked up. There you were standing on your first floor balcony and laughing at me. That was the first time I have ever seen someone that pretty.


I am sorry-you said with big smile in your face.


My"orna"just dropped out, would you mind to hold on to it I am coming down.

No word out of my mouth. Is this really happening to me. Did she said that she is coming down.

I look around nervously. Should I just wait or should I leave. Where do I go. I see a little stair going from the street to the down stair of that house. I looked in by extending my head. Should I go in?


Before I decide I see you standing by the door. Just 5 feet away, with a great smile on your face.Sorry for that, could I have my"Orna"please-you said.Sure, Sure, here it is-I replied with a very nervous voice.


I step up to her and hand over her"Orna".Thanks, do you live around here? You asked.Yes-I said.Thanks again. I will see you again.I nod my head with agreement.


That was my first conversation with you and for sure was not the last. My first love — I love you.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 17:40

Love and attraction are two different things.I do believe in attraction at first sight.You can definitely see someone from across the room,like the way they look and want to meet them.After you meet,you could start dating which could eventually lead to falling in love,but I feel as if you can't truly love someone unless you know him or her
Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?
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