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题目是Experience is the best teacher.的英语作文,求记叙文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 22:55



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 17:39

Experience is the best teacher
We experience many different things in everyday life.We gain something valuable from them ,and then we know how to get succeed.
When we make a mistake,we have to figure out how to fix it.Experience is the best teacher because it helps us aware of our mistake so that we can learn how to avoid it in the future.
I firmly stand behind the belief that “experience is the best teacher ”.All aspects of life can be taught,but to fully understand a situation that I feel you need to experienced it.Examples where experience is the best teacher are:sky diving,playing a musical instrument,driving a car and even becoming a parent.While someone can teach you how to do these things,you still need to learn from the first hand experience to understand the concept.
Many times as teachers would know,when you teach a pupil something and he nods his head ,and says,“Yes ,I know”.And ask him the next day ,there is a high chance that he has forgotten.If he is learnt by an experiment or by experience,he is likely to remember for a very long time,even althood.
The experience tells me:when work is a pleasure,life is a joy!When work is ty,life is slavery.If you don’t try,how do you know which T-shirt is much more suitable for you?If you don’t try,how do you know whether what ones said id right?So only experience can tell you answer.
From elementary school to now ,we have learnt so much knowledge,but actually we can just make a little of them into practice.Perhaps we know something about one thing ,but we don’t know how to do it,or how to do it well.Experience without learning is better than learning without experience
Finally,I want to repeat my point again,there is nothing better than experience ,experience is the追问能给翻译么


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