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帮我的翻译成英文咯,感谢 放风筝是汉族民间传统游戏和清明节节日习俗,起源于中国,是一种古代汉族

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 16:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:11

Kite flying is the han folk traditional games and qingming festival custom, originated in China, is a kind of ancient han Chinese working people invented communication tools, the first kite was ruban made of bamboo, then only the palace have such entertainment. Kite is a kind of is heavier than air, to use the procts of the wind floating in the air.追答希望对你有用

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:11

Kite flying is the han folk traditional games and qingming festival custom, originated in China, is a kind of ancient han Chinese working people invented communication tools, the first kite was ruban made of bamboo, then only the palace have such entertainment. Kite is a kind of is heavier than air, to use the procts of the wind floating in the air.追答希望对你有用

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:11

Kite flying is the han folk traditional games and qingming festival custom, originated in China, is a kind of ancient han Chinese working people invented communication tools, the first kite was ruban made of bamboo, then only the palace have such entertainment. Kite is a kind of is heavier than air, to use the procts of the wind floating in the air.追答希望对你有用

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:11

Kite flying is the han folk traditional games and qingming festival custom, originated in China, is a kind of ancient han Chinese working people invented communication tools, the first kite was ruban made of bamboo, then only the palace have such entertainment. Kite is a kind of is heavier than air, to use the procts of the wind floating in the air.追答希望对你有用

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:11

Kite flying is the han folk traditional games and qingming festival custom, originated in China, is a kind of ancient han Chinese working people invented communication tools, the first kite was ruban made of bamboo, then only the palace have such entertainment. Kite is a kind of is heavier than air, to use the procts of the wind floating in the air.追答希望对你有用

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