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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 20:06



热心网友 时间:2024-03-01 10:36

Peace and prosperity in the Tang Dynasty, Prime Pacific, has more advanced brewing technology, even the emperor Taizong personally spawn "strong aroma, taste and Daigo" green wine, wine brewing technology of China's brilliant period of development. A high degree of integration of poetry and wine, mutual catalysis, complementary to each other liquor in poetry presents ideas, wine spirit materialized as a proct, further carry forward and rich wine culture of taste and art grades are greatly improved . It is because the drinking culture of the grand spectacular climax, we can still clearly feel after more than 1,000 years illustrious Golden Age of the words and emotions, joys and sorrows.

在谷歌上翻译的 可能有的地方语法不正确

热心网友 时间:2024-03-01 10:37

Making wine technic has been much advanced in Tang Dynasty when people is living in a peaceful and prosperous environment,even the emperor TangTaizong maked very tasty wine from the green grape by himself .It is the period that making wine technic was developing refulgently in our contry.Literature and wine highly fused.They catalyze each other,the wine contains poem,the poem contains
think.Wine was considered as something ahout mind,and got further development,and the tast and art level of wine achieved tremendous improment.Just as the cultrue of wine and poem reach the peak of perfection,we can still truely feel the actions of talk and walk ,happy or angery,vicissitudes of life which in
the famous period.

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