问答文章1 问答文章501 问答文章1001 问答文章1501 问答文章2001 问答文章2501 问答文章3001 问答文章3501 问答文章4001 问答文章4501 问答文章5001 问答文章5501 问答文章6001 问答文章6501 问答文章7001 问答文章7501 问答文章8001 问答文章8501 问答文章9001 问答文章9501


发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 16:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 17:16

1. We _____ with you for the time being.
A. will stay B. will be staying
C. would stay D. have stayed
2. —Who sings best in your class?
—Mary _____.
A. is B. does
C. do D. sing
3. She _____ her pen in her room now.
A. finds B. is finding
C. looks for D. is looking for
4. What _____ you _____ tomorrow morning?
A. are/going to do B. are/doing
C. are/done D. have/done
5. It was not long before the water _____ cold.
A. is feeling B. feels
C. felt D. was feeling
6. I _____ as soon as you come back.
A. went B. have gone
C. am going D. shall go
7. The scientist _____ Canada and he will give us a talk when he _____ back.
A. has gone to/comes B. has been to/will come
C. has gone to/will come D. has been to/comes
8. He found his book this morning, but now he _____ his pen.
A. loses B. is missing
C. has lost D. lost
9. She ___¬_ to her hometown several times.
A. has been B. has gone
C. went D. is going
10. It _____ Jane and Mary who helped me the other day.
A. is B. was
C. are D. were
11. I _____ to bed when the telephone rang.
A. have been B. went
C. am going D. was going
12. Jane _____ some washing this time yesterday.
A. is doing B. had done
C. was doing D. did
13. When I got to the school, the first class _____.
A. had begun B. began
C. is beginning D. has begun
14. Mother promised she _____ me an English-Chinese dictionary.
A. is buying B. will buy
C. would buy D. has bought
15. She objects to _____ loud music _____ while she reads newspapers.
A. have/play B. have/played
C. having/playing D. have/playing
16. If it _____, we will go to visit the zoo.
A. not rains B. doesn’t rain
C. won’t rain D. isn’t going to rain
17. Our English teacher _____ all the exercise books last Friday evening.
A. has corrected B. will correct
C. had corrected D. corrected
18. —What are you doing under the table?
—I _____ to find my watch.
A. tried B. try
C. am trying D. have tried
19. There _____ an English evening party next Saturday.
A. is going to be B. will have
B. is to have D. is going to have
20. It is getting late. It’s time we _____.
A. go B. went
C. are going D. must go
21. Continue heating until steam _____.
A. has appeared B. appear
C. appeared D. will appear
22. Don’t get that ink on the shirt, for it _____.
A. doesn’t wash out B. won’t be washing out
C. isn’t washing out D. won’t wash out
23. I haven’t seen her _____.
A. two weeks ago B. since two weeks
C. for two weeks D. before two weeks
24. My brother _____ the Youth League since 1990.
A. joined B. has been in
C. has joined D. had joined
25. —Where is Peter?
—He _____ to Shanghai.
A. went B. had gone
C. has been D. has gone
26. I knew I could not finish the homework _____.
A. by the time he had come B. before he came
C. until he has come D. when he comes
27. He _____ English for ten years by the time he takes the examination.
A. will have been studying B. would have been studying
C. will study D. studied
28. The bus came after I _____ for about half an hour.
A. had been waiting B. have been waiting
C. have waited D. was waiting
29. I saw that he _____ at seven o’clock last night.
A. still worked B. is still working
C. was still working D. had been working
30. I didn’t go to see the film because I _____ it.
A. saw B. have seen
C. had seen D. am seeing
31. Did you ask the teacher what _____ this afternoon?
A. will we do B. we would do
C. shall we do D. would we do
32. Who _____ to school earliest in your class every morning?
A. comes B. come
C. will come D. is coming
33. I’m sure I _____ her four years ago.
A. have seen B. saw
C. had seen D. will see
34. An unexpected heavy rain caused severe flooding, and the water _____ all the time.
A. rose B. raised
C. was rising D. was raising
35. _____ a noise just then?
A. Have you heard B. Were you hearing
C. Are you hearing D. Did you hear
36. Great changes _____ in the last twenty years in China.
A. took place B. have taken place
C. were taking place D. have been taken place
37. _____ that dress when he first saw you in the street?
A. Are you wearing B. Did you wear
C. Have you worn D. Were you wearing
38. She _____ when I go to see her.
A. is always working B. was always working
C. always worked D. has always worked
39. I will ask her for the book now, for she ____ plenty of time to read since I lent it to her.
A. has B. has had
C. had had D. was having
40. Our football team _____ every match so far this year, but we still have three more games to play.
A. wins B. was winning
C. had won D. has won
41. I don’t think Jim saw me; he _____ into space.
A. just stared B. has just stared
C. was just staring D. is just staring
42. —_____ my glasses?
—Yes, I saw them on your desk a minute ago.
A. Do you see B. Have you seen
C. Had you seen D. Would you see
43. —Who is Clarke?
—_____ him yet? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.
A. Haven’t you met B. Hadn’t you met
C. Didn’t you meet D. Don’t you meet
44. —I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
—Oh, not at all. I _____ here only a few minutes.
A. am B. was
C. have been D. will be
45. I don’t work here; I _____ until a new secretary arrives.
A. am just helping out B. just help out
C. have just helped out D. will just help out
46. I first met Lisa three years ago. She _____ at a radio shop at that time.
A. has worked B. was working
C. had been working D. had worked
47. Lily _____ a book about China last month but I don’t know whether she has finished it.
A. wrote B. had written
C. is writing D. was writing
48. —Is this raincoat yours?
—No, mine _____ there behind the door.
A. hangs B. is hanging
C. has hung D. is hanged
49. —Lucy is not coming tonight.
—But she ___!
A. had promised B. will promise
C. promised D. promises
50. —Your phone number again? I _____ quite catch it.
—It’s 89703388.
A. don’t B. can’t
C. couldn’t D. didn’t

1—5 BBDAC 6—10 DACAB 11—15 DCACC 16—20 BDCAB 21—25 ADCBD 26—30 BAACC 31—35 BABCD 36—40 BDABD 41—45 CBACA 46—50 BDBCD
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