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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 04:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 12:38

When the August bloom golden rice style yellow piece of heavy, overflowing rice fragrance in the air, and trees, accompanied through the years.
Looking back through the course, only to find that many people and many things have changed, some things are slowly fade, including love. After a time, and cleaned up when the love is slowly transformed into family dormant in our hearts, words and deeds reflect them in their daily lives, the once beautiful, is a thing of beauty is in the past years. It is said that love is like shelf life of a beautiful butterfly, the morning bright blurred, to the evening to fade, but stay the night. See these words, there is a tremendous feeling, a feeling of love is old, only to stay alive in the family in the autumn wind blows. We are asking each other for their own sake, to understand themselves,
Have tried to change themselves for each other, can, in the end always confused moody hurt feelings. Welcome to your reading sentimental prose
He said he loves me because of me, he was happy for me, he changed a lot; I said, I loved him very much as ever. However, we never found again had that feeling of love a thousand times the original commitment, is slowly gone with the wind, like the romance is like a mirage misty and distant, complicated customs in the day to day, exiled , in addition to romance, and love concentrations. Those who can not spend the day and night, the face of loneliness, longing, such as evaporation of the wine will be like getting ll. We are working hard to find a common ground of love can be strong support, but the result of the efforts is to make each other frequently injured.
Prose Welcome
Angry with him again, just because a trivial matter. I'm waiting for him online late at night, and he did not come, even the phone does not have a. Wait impatience, worry, let me up in any case not elegant, full of anxiety finally could not help but called the number, over the phone, said he was faint: in reading novels, forgotten time. I'm mb statement, and then sad, I know, two years down, much as they used to love has been fresh, and every night one hour of video may be a meeting of his suffering, but for me, living apart, if this one hour of video meeting is not, and at home, are there any practical significance?
Or I did not get the kind of woman I can have, put down the phone, the tears of sad, actually have the down. Feel welcome comments Prose
So angry, complaining, angry ... ...
Thus, the tree said: Whatever you. Just a moment, I heard the voice of love in the hearts of the collapse, Pilibala, peeling off a love that remains of people may feel sad. I said; casual to casual, anyway faceless faces, the better.
Consecutive days is not really the Internet, know yourself to him. However, if we really love the simple to the noisy aircraft to an end, the world would not have so many people risking his own life to pursue it. I still miss him, even just open your eyes in the morning, or the long lonely night, or the brush do not miss the wound in the soul. Put out, then, has been retrieved, while the day and night hoping that he would first say I'm sorry, every time the phone rings, thinking that he, of course, I'm disappointed not to cover those who can only show that he really no longer valid. All the message of hope, but a man staged his own illusion of a grand opera only,
Those made up of beauty, no match for a little "catastrophe", and life, a field which was originally called the "catastrophe," put together out of the ah. After a long silence, disheartened to the extreme, the kind of Unspoken pain, did a terrible reconciled.
Welcome to the appreciation of the beautiful prose
Who do not intend to conquer, just have a plain emotion. Faint, like. I understand that there will be many things in life, many people will change, so I do not have any luxury. Distance, as long as love, even if only one hour of video per day to meet time, but also feel happy. I live in their own brilliant, the stay in a constant, daily thoughts, live a lonely day further than the late autumn, so what? After that enjoy the release of loneliness, hugging in the unborn child is full of passion, this is actually a beautiful experience to fend for themselves, is difficult for outsiders, but I have been immersed in this beautiful, I like the.
I may have been another day like this is called luxury, but now I really want to understand my little tree, mind, as ever the pain I have, but unfortunately I am. Emotional welcome comments Prose
After January, the tree home, hold me gently, saying, fool, that good life is not separate, that can really ignore you, a business trip, because there have been some things stolen while in the hotel accommodation , report, record, get a good while. He said that in fact he has been out all day thinking of me, he is not good, going home to personally apologize for it. At the end he said: I am sorry, I love you! Emotional welcome comments Prose
All gathered in the heart of the blues, an instant warmth subversion, I can not stop the tears flooded out because of that moment, I witnessed my tenderness, anger, and love, unlimited sway in the eyes, tears shattered disguise proud of my depression and doubt, at this moment, and stopped, some thoughts began to go away, fade, forget investigated.
Feel welcome comments Prose
I have always felt that love is decorated luxury living, too magnificent and I miss the love, the feelings of the tree just right. The Japanese have turnover, flowers are on, how can we expect the love can grow fresh undefeated? First comes love, is fresh, has a strong temperature, we are all each other in the hands of baby, but the days before, overlapping every day life, is the same face, same cookie cutter, day of the marriage too long , who can not always maintain a prima donna, but mortal men, how can we ensure that does not disappoint? Before leaving the tree that night, we hook the hook each other's hands, and they agreed, there can be arguments,
But their voices, and was a man first ordered a halt. Let go, my heart suddenly see the light, love may be only a few days of preservation, processing and use of good, will have a long shelf life, as long as the feeling is still, love will not die.
Suddenly thought, business marriage, is not should first learn to turn around? If, that night I do not care so much about, care about, but wait for a tone of calm, is not a dispute would not have happened? If, in the event of a dispute later learned modesty aside, turn a body, first with his communication, is not there will not be hurt later? The thought flashed in my heart, the mighty, let me so sober

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 12:39


热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 12:39

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