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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 06:39



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 01:39

As the saying goes: "No rules, no standards."

But in our campus, but there has been no lack of some of these situations:

In the hallway, there are some students in the classroom chasing, loud noises, noisy, do not understand humility, this is a good student? No, it was rude (not in classrooms and campus chase, slapstick, noise, maintain schools in good order).

In the classroom, some students do not understand the respect for teachers, school classmates teasing, do not listen carefully, not ground brains, this is a good student? No, it does not respect class (es attentive, diligent in thinking, actively participate in the discussions, the courage to talk about it.)

On the playground, there are some students in order to facilitate, rather a mess of garbage, even spitting, do not speak on health, this is a good student? No, uncivilized (no spitting, no littering).

Students, you like me to freedom is right, but at the same time you free a lot of people hurt, you know? Although the discipline to limit freedom, but at the same time protecting the freedom, as a student, we should abide by the discipline of the campus, being a good student.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 01:40

my family rules
My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It's strict, but i think it's necessary.And i must finish my homework in time. I can't play computer games. I have to wash clothes by myself.I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep!And I think play some computer games is not badly. So I think the family rules can make some change.
For example:Go home at night not later than eight points.
Morning say hello. Each other family.
Everyone should work frequently do housework.
Every morning exercise.
After dinner, shall wash his bowl.
Every day must wear school uniforms.
The corridor is forbidden in the running and jumping.
Students unite.
Every day do room *.
Do not throw rubbish everywhere.
厦门有哪些建材店 六年级的我们会想些什么 为什么我没用平安信用卡里面的钱工作人员还说我有欠款没还? 抖音直播间粉丝等级怎么算的呀? ...不记得,只知道大概是那里人,精确查找还可以找到吗 几年前我被好友拖到黑名单 怎么找回她的qq号 微信好友被删了,还可以找回来吗,号码什么都不记得了, 家里的座机和手机绑定,中途可不可以换个手机号绑定?老号想注销!!_百 ... 我的手机卡是和固定电话捆绑的,一个月前手机丢了,今天交话费才知捡到... 移动机卡绑定问题 向万事通先生写一封信诉说你的家规和校规(英语作文70词)怎么写? 英语作文,写一封信给你新朋友,向他介绍假期里,你的家规,并简单发表自己的看法 如何进行家庭理财规划有方法吗都来学习 谁可以帮忙写一篇英语作文啊,给Dr.know(万事通)写一封信,关于自己我很不开心,是因为家里和学 综合运用所学知识,在分析个人或者家庭财务状况的基础上,制定一份可行的理财计划 用英语写出对家规和校规的看法及感受60词 同一份问卷的题项计分点数不同,比如有两点计分、四点、五点,如何来统计?算不同维度的总分和平均分? 书面表达,写一封信给dr kbow告诉他你的家规和校规,以及你的感受80-100词 假如你是Jim,下列图表是Jim周末的家规.你向Dr.Know写信求助.在信中谈谈这些家规 Write a letter to Dr.Know.Tell him about allthe rule and how you fell about them.(初一英语 写一封书信给Dr. Know关于你家规和你对此感觉如何? 给Mr.Know写一封信,这封信的内容是有 关于你家里的规定(家规)的.60词 学霸帮帮忙 父母教养方式量表的计分方法是???急求!!! 使用photoshop作图时,钢笔工具使不了,有什么技巧吗?? 求 简式父母教养方式问卷s-EMBU和评分方式 给mr.know先生的一封信,说说你对学校规矩的看法,英语作文怎么写? 延吉的特岗教师面试招聘内容是什么? 给Dr.Know写一封信,吿诉他你的家规和你感受是什么? 读完小王子这本书 它的读后感怎么写 【求助】请大家帮忙做个调查问卷吧 --→ 非常感谢啦! 关于编导实习 初一英语家规,校规,你的感受的英语作文 英语作文:给万能先生写一篇作文,表达自己对哪些校规或家规有不满现象? 同学们在你们学校都有哪些校规呢请给你们的朋友迈克写一封信介绍一下吧英语作? 设计类专业有哪些呢? 北体大有哪些专业? 实习编导该注意什么? 编导这个专业的人去电视台实习都会去干些什么 梦见侄姑娘窝屎是什么意思 哪一集林北星纸飞机 林北星看见告白信是第几集 台式电脑有时开机显示屏黑屏·键盘鼠标灯都不亮,所有风扇都转如何回事 林北星第几集知道了真相 电脑 主机可以运行 屏幕是黑屏 鼠标键盘也不亮 5年营业执照贷款额度 肝斑如何去除? 如何去除肝斑 眼下面的肝斑怎么去掉 怎么去掉多年的肝斑 怎样去除肝斑