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我的时间表 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 06:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 14:51

6:10 to 6:30 to get up to wash
Eat breakfast at 6:30-6:50 and then to the classroom or you think you can read early
6:50 7:450 back endorsement Chinese English what can according to their actual situation can be(preferably your English.)
7:45-8:00 ready for class, little rest
12:00-12:30 lunch
12:30-1:00 rest
The 1:00-1:35 study (do what you see yourself, do review, etc.)
1:35-2:20 lunch
Then get ready for class
5:15-6:10 supper rest or exercise
6:10-6:30 listen to English listening, or other
6:40 began to study (study hall, a teacher would listen carefully, without the teacher's words willattack you on the day of the study, and review, and then attacking the weak links, you read a BookTitle etc.)
10:00-11:00 wash, play like
Go to bed at 11
At bedtime is best to think over the knowledge in the mind
Usually the school must listen carefully in class attention to rest
Can finish homework situations have a look TV and listen to music to relax on Saturday night
Can tax a good sleep sleep afternoon do homework can go around what night to do his homework carefully but relatively usually can go to bed early and prepare them for the next week is busylearning Sunday morning

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 14:51

my schele
运航不锈钢304方管有哪几种型号 镀锌方管有哪些型号 方管型号有哪些 方管的型号有哪些 牌照过户要换新的吗 ...自己一辆江苏牌照的小汽车,名下还能拥有一辆杭州牌照的车吗?_百度... 方管有哪些厚度 国标方管的厚度有哪些规格? 学龄前,应该教会孩子哪些技能才合适? 对学龄前孩童来说什么最重要? I went to school___(get 、to get)my schedule选哪个 MBTI测试对职业规划用处大吗?我应该怎么做职业规划呢? 安徽2021专升本调剂院校名单 安徽建筑大学2021年专升本为什么土木工程的分数这么低,100人只录取93人,满分600最低193 变声器怎么调成真正的女声啊 台州学院有专科吗 台州学院是高中还是大学 台州学院学号怎么查 台州学院是公办还是民办大学 台州学院是几本大学 台州学院椒江学校 浙江台州有哪些好大学 台州学院临海校区占地面积 多大 台州学院无人驾驶航空器系统工程专业有没有和企业合作 my schedule is changed 还是has changed? 都对吗? My schedule has changed 关于my schedule的英语,加翻译,急用 MySchedule怎么写啊?五年级英语第二单元 真爱上一个人是什么样子? 左传记录了哪些战争 My schedule is quite ______... my schedule is changed 还是has changed? 英语翻译“我的日程很满” ISFP类型的人适合哪些工作?MBTI对职业选择有哪些帮助? 刘惜君穿牛仔裤搭配肉色内搭,这种风格你是否喜欢? 英语作文《My Schedule of the Winter Vacation》100词左右,跪求 在南通职业技术大学读完3年专科,能专升本安徽建筑大学吗? .My schedule is very _____right now ,but I’ll try to fit you in A.tight B.short C.regular my schedule is quite_____-I could arrange to meet with you any day next week. 苏轼却愁弥勒下生迟,不见阿婆三五少年时求全诗 My schedule for the new term(简快英语小作文) My schedule 美术字怎么写?求图 鉴赏 苏轼《南歌子·师唱谁家曲》 酷狗豪华vip是不是可以免费的传歌到U盘 正当少年时是什么意思 请你写出两条勉励珍惜时间的古诗词名句,并注明出处,作者 北京最好考研的985专业 人间娇阳正好彼时我们正少年时什么意思 985哪个研究生好考 考研比较好考的985