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Discuss the similarities and differences

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 01:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:14


热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:14

我也需要这个问题的答案 求!!!!!!!



students learn to communicate and gain more self-confidence, autonomy and appreciation for others' similarities and differences. Further, by identifying a peer group, that group may influence one's affective and cognitive development as well as one's personal behavior. In addition, taking...

英语作文key words 怎么找

3)Analyse the key words,then organize your idea logicall;According to the title and the key words,we know that the purpose of the writing is to discuss the similarities and differences of the city and the countryside.You should divide the key words into three paragraphs.In the...


students learn to communicate and gain more self-confidence, autonomy and appreciation for others' similarities and differences. Further, by identifying a peer group, that group may influence one's affective and cognitive development as well as one's personal behavior. In addition, taking...


students learn to communicate and gain more self-confidence, autonomy and appreciation for others' similarities and differences. Further, by identifying a peer group, that group may influence one's affective and cognitive development as well as one's personal behavior. In addition, taking...


There are some similarities and differences between English and Chinese onomatopoeia. The former mainly includes rhetorical functions and characteristics of absolute structures, and the latter mainly includes syntactic functions, motivations and changes in usage. As for the animal onomatopoeia, the English ...


Consider why others might be interested in this topic as well. Reflect on what motivates you to conduct research in this field.4. You may also ponder over how scholars in the field discuss the importance of the topic. Analyze the similarities and differences in your understanding of...


336 square miles) and has a population of approximately 14.93 million.2.The technique of contrast in writing involves placing two distinct, opposing, or contradictory elements side by side to create a juxtaposition. This technique highlights the differences and similarities between the ...


2.内容(body) 的字数安排.以一个topic为例:compare frederick w. taylor and Elton Mayo's management theories, what are the similarities and differences between them and what's their relationship? 这个topic其实涉及到了三个内容:A--similarities,B---differences,和C--relationship.所以我们在...


2. To learn the usage of “There be “sentence structure.3. To understand a short dialogue about school in listening.4. To learn to love the nature and sports Teaching difficulties:Help thestudents to analyze the two articles and find out the similarities anddifferences between ...

the similarities past differences have differences make differences the difference similarities to difference from any differences similarities
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