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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 01:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:14

The Japanese kimono comes from the Chinese Han clothing so there are many similarities between them. However, there are some differences.

The Han clothing has a variety of styles rather than the Japanese kimono, simple and drab. Only (直裾深衣 不会翻译~) one style of Han clothing is bit same as kimono. Here are some examples:

1.line collectivity(总体线条)
The Han clothing has curve line. Some of styles have a square curve when spread but show fluent curve when you wear it. That kind of clothes can perfectly exhibit your stature.

While the curve of kimono is a straight line. After spreaded it still has straight line and right angle like consist of several large squares. When you wear it, the kimono can not show you stature very well.

2. neckline and cuff(袖口)
The necline of Han clothing is close to the neck which gives a sense of civility.
The kimono has a square cuff and not long enough to reach the finesse, which is uneasiness. The cuff is oversewed but the bottom is opened like overturn the Han clothing.

The Han clothing has a wide lap. You can walk as usual without limit but kimono is a little bit narrow that can not walked well.

The Han clothing is focused on lightness about material. Some high-classed one only choose mousseline as drapery.
The kimono always use Japanese damask, which the key point is straight and massiness. As a result, it can not be designed as long sleeve and wide lap.

There are wide choices for the Han clothing like: jade pendants on a girdle(玉佩), chinese ancient cleanse(宫涤),sachet(香囊),Chinese knot(中国结). Usually tied on the belt and increase the tache. Kimono do not wear any adorn.

The Han clothing use elegant colour, which is decent but kimono sometimes too colourful.

The Han clothing has purfle and use different colour with the other parts. Usually use flowery baldaquin. That enhanced the beauty of clothes.
The kimono has purfle on the neckline but just use the same material of other parts commonly. Sometimes it may be different.

According to all these, we can realise the difference between the Han clothing and kimono.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:14

Japanese kimono from the Han Chinese clothing, so the two have many similarities, but there are still many different places, are distributed to take a look at a number of finishing. Many styles of Chinese clothing, is very rich, very little kimono style, very monotonous, Chinese clothing in the dark clothing with only the direct garment more like kimono, the following example. 1, the general lines of Chinese clothing line is a curve, some models is to start paving the square, but it is worn smooth curve, look graceful and elegant, very significant figure. Kimono lines are straight, paved the way to start is a straight line at right angles, like the composition of several large box, worn on the body are also straight lines, appeared stiff stiff, up and down as thick, not significant figure. 2, collar, cuffs Han Chinese clothing is close to the neck collar, is very dignified. Kimono sleeve is a square, less than the length of the wrist, looked cramped, cuff stitching, but after opening, it seems that the Han Chinese clothing, sewing up the sleeve of the same upside down. 3, hem hem large Han Chinese clothing, you can walk freely, activities without restriction. Narrow hem kimono, walking only a step split step, activity restrictions. 4, fabric clothing fabric of Chinese pay attention to light and elegant, high point you can choose silk as the fabric. Kimono fabric stress straight, looked heavy, usually with Japanese satin, relatively thick, hard, and very narrow pieces of cloth, it can not do long sleeves and wide hem. 5, accessories, clothing accessories of Chinese is very rich, with jade, Gong Di, Sachet, Chinese knots, etc., usually tied to the belt, look pretty and full of change. Little kimono accessories, belts hanging on the line generally do not, seem monotonous. 6, the pattern of the general pattern of Chinese clothing is relatively simple and elegant pattern, distribution, look graceful. The pattern is generally more colorful kimono fancy, the overall form with decoration matching clothes, looked tacky. 7, Yi Yuan Chinese clothing coat collar and cuffs have a margin, generally not the same clothes the color of the body, will use a more ornate brocade and the like, or a trim, and some clothing embroidered edge of a more regular pattern , appears to have layering. Kimono coat collar edge, generally use the same cloth body clothes, no clothes cuff edge, look monotonous. But this feature is not absolute, and some Chinese clothing clothes clothing edge of the body are the same; edge of a small number of clothing kimono fabric with different colors also. The difference between Han Chinese clothing and kimono, you know?

给分给分 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:15

Japan's kimono comes from China's Chinese clothing, therefore both have many similarities, but has the different place, presently reorganizes some to issue everybody to have a look. The Chinese takes the design are many, is very rich, kimono's design are very few, is very monotonous, the Chinese takes only then the straight front deep clothes with the kimono comparison elephant, the following explains with examples. 1st, the overall line Chinese takes the line is a curve, some designs launched flattened are the square shapes, but put in the body is the smooth curve, appeared the beautiful fascinating' winsome is elegant, very obviously stature. Kimono's line is a straight line, launched flattened is the straight line right angle, looked like several big block compositions, put in the body is also the straight line, appeared stereotypical cautious, high and low equally thick, not obviously stature. 2nd, the neckband, the sleeve cuff Chinese takes the collar is clings the neck, appears very solemn. Kimono's sleeve is a square shape, the length is inferior to the skill, appears cramped, the sleeve cuff sutures, behind actually opens the mouth, the dissimilarity which probably is takes the Chinese the sleeve which sews in reverse. 3rd, the skirt-width Chinese takes the skirt-width is spacious, may walk freely, moves is not limited. Kimono's skirt-width is small and narrow, walks can only step slightly broken step, moves is limited. 4th, the cotton material Chinese takes the cotton material is fastidious about elegant, the high-quality spot lithely may choose the pure silk to take the lining. Kimono's cotton material is fastidious straight, appears sincere, generally with dwarf satin, compared with thick hard, moreover cloth is very narrow, therefore cannot make the long sleeve and the spacious skirt-width. 5th, matches plays the part of the Chinese to take matches plays the part of is very rich, has the jade pendant, the palace to wash, the sachet, China to tie and so on, generally is on the waistbands, appears pretty, is rich in the change. The kimono matches plays the part of are very few, on the waistband generally hangs, appears monotonous. 6th, the pattern Chinese takes the pattern is generally the quite simple and elegant pattern, the distribution is even, appears graceful. Kimono's pattern is quite generally bright gaudily, the whole forms with the clothes necessary decorative design in a utensil, appears uncouth. 7th, the clothes reason Chinese takes the neckband and the sleeve cuff have the clothes reason, generally and the clothes body's color is dissimilar, will use the magnificent brocade and so on, or will have borders, in some clothes reason will embroider has compares the rule the pattern, will appear the stratified feeling. Kimono's neckband has the clothes reason, generally and the clothes body with the same cotton material, the sleeve cuff does not have the clothes reason, appears monotonous. However this characteristic is not absolute, some Chinese take the clothes reason is also same as the clothes body; The minority kimono's clothes reason will also use the different color the cotton material. The Chinese takes and kimono's difference, you have known?
谁能把这篇中文给我翻译成英文要准确的在线翻译不好使,给高分的,谢 ...

The Japanese kimono comes from the Chinese Han clothing so there are many similarities between them. However, there are some differences.The Han clothing has a variety of styles rather than the Japanese kimono, simple and drab. Only (直裾深衣 不会翻译~) one style of Han clothing ...


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"当我第一次见到你就对你一见倾心了"不需要令人忘情的戏剧性的事情发生 ,一切都顺其自然. 我只是紧张过头了(学校甚至还没开课). 我很担心我们, 我走进寝室, 我讨厌我的室友,课程,工作,以及所有日程上的安排. 老天呐. 我这是个大白痴. 就是这样,我的生活近乎完美而且我也有足够的理由发牢...


英语:I love you, so I put a happy day for you


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Will I lose lose suffer a big, hope he can really give you happiness, I completed the unfinished commitment, I love you

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