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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 08:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 10:52

Ladies & gentlemen, good afternoon.
Last summer, i graated from junior high school. So i went to take a part-time job in the summer vacation. The job i found is telephone questionnaire. 10 hours 1 day, i had to make phone call and non-stop speaking, and when i was talking to customers i must be very patient and polite. So ring that time, i had to protect my voice. I got up at 8:30 every morning, arrived at the company and started my work at 9:30. Because it's my first part-time job, i was very exciting and worked with lots of passion in the early days. But afterward, boring was the only thing i could feel, i was tired off. One of two friends who went there for work of mine abdicated after his first week there with me and another friend of mine left there. Although we were so tired that we almost gave up, but we didn't, we didn't want to quit so easy for our first job. So we sticked all the time... During the work, we did understand it's not easy to earn money, so we were very scant when we went for lunch in that time. We ate food as cheap as possible and went to work and went home by bus.
Soon, half a month passed and our job time was finished. We both were so happy that we got our first laborage in our lives with exciting mood, and i was very satisfied to my performance.
That's all i want to say, thank you!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 10:52

ladies and gentlemen!
Last summer, i just finished my middle school and had a lot of time. So i took this opputunity to get a job as a telephone interviewer. At thta time,continuous calls should be given within 10 hours.Meanwhile, we must be patient and polite when you interview sb. Therefore, i took good care of my voice.
I got up at 8 o 'clock and arrived at 9 then began to work. Since it was the first time to do the job.I feel so exciting at the beginning. but after that i felt it very ll and tired. and one of our friends once toghter with me quit this job just within one week.But still another friend and me remain here.Although it is a hard work. we don't want to give up. So we keep on all the time.Through this work, we realize it is not easy to earn money. We save every penny even ring lunch. We choose the dished with low price and went home by bus everyday.
half a month passed quickly.time for work approached . We were very happy and got our first salary with exciting mood.Meanwhile, I was satisfied with myself.
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