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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 18:28



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 16:45


1. I need to discuss the issue with the factory in details.
2.All wax samples are made in NG, that's why they have the largest number of samples. At the moment, if there could be a purchase order for them, everything will go smoothly.
3. Yes, except the color of Rouge, we have much confidence in other colors, So, we will go directly to fabricate formal samples.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 16:46

1. I need to discuss these issues in detail with the factory.
2. All of the wax samples are proced by the NG, so they are the largest number of samples. Currently, everything will be well order to them.
3. Of course, beside Rouge in this color, we also can handle other colors, so, we will directly make a formal sample.追问Of course, beside Rouge in this color, we also can handle other colors, so, we will directly make a formal sample. 这句你应该理解错意思了,我是想说: 除了Rouge 这个颜色我没有把握之外,其他的颜色是有把握的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 16:46

1. I need to discuss these issues with the factory in detail.
2. All the samples of wax are proced by the factory NG, so they have the largest number of samples. Currently, everything will be better if there could be an order for them.
3. Yes, we have confidence in all colors except the color red(rouge), so, we will proce the formal samples directly.
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