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长期从事结构生物信息学与生物物理学研究,发表SCI文章150多篇, 主编专著5本,10篇邀请评述文章,参与13篇专著的有关章节编写。 论文插图三次被选为杂志封面。这些工作为国际同行所广泛引用和正面评述,经SCI检索,截止到2011年7月,已累积引用 超过 3000次,最高单篇他引 200次,H 因子33。 是国内同行中引用较高的学者之一。
1. IF: 9.02-Ruo-Xu Gu, Limin Angela Liu*, and Dong-Qing Wei*, “ Equilibrium of four binding states of anti-viral drug rimantadine in M2-lipid bilayer system”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133 (28), 10817–10825(2011).
2. IF: 7.33-Jing Chang, Peng Lian, Dong-Qing Wei*, Xiang-Rong Chen, Zizheng Gong and Qingming Zhang, “Thermal decomposition of the solid phase of nitromethane: Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 188302 -188305(2010).
3. IF:3.23 H. R. Arias, Ruo-Xu Gu, Dominik Feuerbach, Bao-Bao Guo, Yong Ye, and D.Q. Wei*, “Novel Positive Allosteric Molators of the Human α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor”, Biochemistry, 50, 5263–5278(2011).
4. IF:4.351 - Peng Lian, Dong-Qing Wei*, Jing-Fang Wang*, Kuo-Chen Chou, “An Allosteric Mechanism Inferred from Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Phospholamban Pentamer in Lipid Membranes”, PLoS ONE , 6, e18587(2011).
5. IF: 2.40 - Dong-Qing Wei*, Lin Gao, Jiao Zhang, Li-Wei Yan, Jin-He Hu, Lang Chen, Zi-Zheng Gong, Yong-Xin Guo, Yu Han, “Role of dipole elongation in orientationally ordered liquids”, Phys. Rev. E. 83, 061703-061707 (2011).
6. IF: 3.82 - Tao Zhang, Limin Liu*, David Lewis and D.Q. Wei*, Long-Range Effects of a Surface Mutation on the Enzymatic Activity of Cytochrome P450 1A2, J. Chem. Info. Modeling, 51 , 1336–1346(2011).
7. IF:3.23 - Hugo R. Arias*, Ruo-Xu Gu, Dominik Feuerbach,and Dong-Qing Wei, “Different interaction between the agonist JN403 and the competitive antagonist methyllycaconitine with the human alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor”, Biochemistry, 49, 4169-4180(2010).
8. Cited 1 times, IF:3.82 - Jue Li, Dong-Qing Wei*, Jing-Fang Wang*, and Yi-Xue Li, “A Negative Cooperativity Mechanism of Huma n CYP2E1 Inferred from Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Free Energy Calculations”, J. Chem. Inf. Model., 51 (12), 3217–3225(2011).
9. Cited 2 times, IF:4.22 -Peng Lian, Limin Angela Liu, Yongxiang Shi*, Yuxiang Bu*, D.Q Wei*, “Tethered-hopping model for protein-DNA binding and unbinding based on Sox2-Oct1-Hoxb1 ternary complex simulations”, Biophys J. 98,1285-93(2010).
10. Cited 5 times, IF: 3.82 - Ying Wang, Dong-Qing Wei*, and Jing-Fang Wang*, “Molecular Dynamics Studies on T1 Lipase: Insight into a Double-Flap Mechanism”, J. Chem. Info. Model, 50, 875 (2010).
11. Cited 17 times, IF: 3.02 - Jing-Fang Wang, Dong-Qing Wei*, Yi-Xue Li*, and K.C. Chou, “Molecular dynamics studies on the interactions of PTP1B with inhibitors: from the first phosphate-binding site to the second one”, PEDS, 22, 349-355(2009).
12. Cited 30 times, IF: 2.59 - Jing-Fang Wang, Dong-Qing Wei*, Kuo-Chen Chou, “Insights from investigating the interactions of adamantane-based drugs with the M2 proton channel from the H1N1 swine virus”, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 388, 413-417(2009). 1. Cited 15 times, IF: 4.63 - Jing-Fang Wang, Cheng-Cheng Zhang, , Jing-Yi Yan, Kuo-Chen Chou, Dong-Qing Wei* , “Structure of cytochrome P450s and personalized drug”, Current Medicinal Chem, 16, 232-244(2009).
2. Cited 2 times, IF: 1.52 - X. Guo, J.F. Wang, Y. Zhu, D.Q. Wei*, “Recent Progress on Computer-Aided Inhibitor Design of H5N1 Influenza A”, Current Computer Aided Drug Des. 6(2), 139-146(2010).
3. IF: 4.774 -Ruo-Xu Gu, Yu-Qing Zhong and Dong-Qing Wei*, “Structural basis of agonist selectivity for different nAChR subtypes: insights from crystal structures, mutation experiments and molecular simulations”, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 17, 1652-1662(2011).
4. IF: 3.896, Qi Chen, Tao Zhang, Jing-Fang Wang* and Dong-Qing Wei*,“Advances in Human Cytochrome P450 and Personalized Medicine”, Current Drug Metabolism, 12, 436-444 (2011).
5. IF: 2.573 - Tao Zhang, Qi Chen, Li Li, Limin Angela Liu* and Dong-Qing Wei*,“ In silico prediction of CYP-mediated drug metabolism”, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 14, 388-395(2011). 1. Dong-Qing Wei, Xijun Wang(editors), “Theory and Application of Computational Chemistry”, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1102, American Institute of Physics Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0637-7.
2. Limin Angela Liu, Dong-Qing Wei and Yixue li, “Interdisciplinary Research and Applications in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Environmental Sciences”, ISBN:1609600649, IGI Global, 2010.
3. Limin Angela Liu, Dong-Qing Wei, Yixue Li and Huimin Lei, “Handbook of Research on Computational and Systems Biology: Interdisciplinary Applications”, ISBN: 9781609604912, IGI Global, 2011.
4. Rong-Xiu Li, Dong-Qing Wei and Yan Feng, “The Protein Structure Simulation and Design”, Chinese Chemical Instrial, 2011, ISBN:9787122101839. 5. Cited 204 times, IF: 2.59 - K. C. Chou, D. Q. Wei, and W.Z. Zhong, “Binding Mechanism of Coronavirus Main Proteinase With Ligands and its Implication to Drug Design Against SARS”, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 308, 148(2003).
6. Cited 197 times, IF: 7.33 - D.Q. Wei and G.N. Patey, “Orientational Order in Simple Dipolar Liquids: Computer Simulation of a Ferroelectric Nematic Phase”, Phys. Rev. Letter, 68, 2043,(1992).
7. Cited 118 times, IF: 2.92 - D.Q. Wei and D.R. Salahub, “Hydrated Proton Clusters and Solvent Effects on the Proton Transfer Barrier: a Density Functional Study”, J. Chem. Phys., 101, 7633(1994).
8. Cited 116 times, IF: 2.86 - D.Q. Wei and G.N. Patey, “Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal and Solid Phases Formed by Strongly Interacting Dipolar Spheres”, Phys. Rev., A, 46, 7783, (1992).
9. Cited 96 times, IF 3.88 - Suzanne Sirois, Dong-Qing Wei, Qishi Du, Kuo-Chen Chou, “Virtual Screening for SARS-CoV Protease Based on KZ7088 Pharmacophore Points”, J. Chem. Info. Comput. Sci., 44, 1111, 2004.
10. Cited 93 times, IF: 2.92 - D.Q. Wei, D.R. Salahub, “Hydrated Proton Clusters: Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics and Simulated Annealing”, J. Chem. Phys., 106, 6086(1997).
11. Cited 87 times, IF:9.02 - R.C. Dunbar, T.B., McMahon, D. Tholmann, D.S. Tonner, D.R. Salahub and D.Q. Wei, “Zero-pressure Thermal Radiation Inced Dissociation of Gas-phase Cluster Ions: Comparison of Theory and Experiment for (H2O)2Cl- and (H2O)3Cl- ”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 117, 12819, (1995).
12. Cited 80 times, IF: 2.92 - D.Q. Wei and G.N. Patey, “Dynamics of Molecular Liquids: a Comparison of Different Theories with Application to Wave Vector Dependent Dielectric Relaxation and Ion Solvation”, J. Chem. Phys. 93, 1399 (1990).
13. Cited 78 times, IF: 2.92 - L. Blum and D.Q. Wei, “Analytical Solution of the Mean Spherical Approximation for an arbitrary Mixture of Ions and a Dipolar solvent”, J. Chem. Phys. 87, 555 (1987).
14. Cited 75 times, IF: 2.59 – Dong-Qing Wei, Qi-Shi Du, Hao Sun, Kuo-Chen Chou, “Insights from modeling the 3D structure of H5N1 influenza virus neuraminidase and its binding interactions with ligands”, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 344, 1048 (2006) .
15. Cited 72 times, IF: 1.84- Jing-Fang Wang, Dong-Qing Wei*, Chao Chen, Yixue Li, Kuo-Chen Chou, “Molecular Modeling of Two CYP2C19 SNPs and Its Implications for Personalized Drug Design”, Protein and Peptide Letters, 15, 27-32(2008).
16. Cited 71 times, IF:2.28 - D.Q. Wei and D.R. Salahub, “A Combined Density Functional and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Water Molecule in Aqueous Solution”, Chem. Phys Letter, 224, 291(1994).
1. 魏冬青,周国城,甘一如,杜奇石, “一种抑制冠状病毒的多肽及其衍生物”, 专利号:ZL 2004 1 0018679.3, 2006年一月。
2. 魏冬青,乔中东,顾若虚,王朝霞,汤茂萍,“(E)-N-[2-(3,4-二甲氧基苯基)乙基]-3-苯基丙烯酰胺化合物在制备抗阿尔兹海默症药物中的应用”,专利申请号:201010619738.8,申请日期:2010-12-28.
3. 魏冬青,马玉坤,“预防和治疗阿尔兹海默症的潜在药物—gx50,gx51,gx52,gx180的化学合成方法”,专利申请号:201110439656.x,申请日期:2012-1-06。 1 基于Maccskey分子指纹搜索软件V1.0 2009SR030823 2009.08.05
2 天然中药小分子数据库软件V1.0 2009SR042815 2009.09.27
3 基于神经网络的药物代谢预测软件V1.0 2009SR056211 2009.12.02
4 基于SVM的细胞色素P450酶SNP预测软件V1.0 2010SR019961 2010.05.01
5 基于药物分子数据库的分子指纹搜索软件V1.0 2010SR042160 2010.08.18
6 细胞色素酶P450氨基酸突变酶活性改变数据库软件V1.0 2010SR042161 2010.08.18
7 药物、药物靶标数据库及其网络搜索平台软件V1.0 2010SR042163 2010.08.18
8 基于蛋白质信息的DNA结合位点预测工具软件 2010R11L055771 2010.08.09
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12 SNP预测的序列数据处理软件 2010R11L055742 2010.08.09

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