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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 00:44



热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 08:51

1. Name of Proct
Decoagulation Agent

2. Manufacturer
Petroleum Technology Co., Ltd.

3. Hazard Classification

4. Proct components and molecular formula
Poly maleic anhydride acrylates

5. Appearance and smell
Yellowish paste, no smell.

6. Stability: stable

7. Application (Use)
Oil decoagulation

8. Physical properties
Melting point: above 45 degrees Celsius.

Flash point: Not detected when heated to boiling point

Spontaneous combustion: None

Water solubility: None

PH value

Particle Diameter:


9. In case of fire, Flame Retardant, Type of Fire Extinguisher
Keep away from flames; Co2 fire extinguisher;

10. In Case of Emergency
Breathing: Seek for a well-ventilated place

Contact with Skin: Wash with water

Contact with Eyes: Flush with fresh water

If swallowed (or ingested): Ince vomiting

11. Storage:
Store in a dry place with good ventilation
Shelf life: 1 year

12. Transportation: no special requirement

13. Personal Protection
Wear overalls, latex gloves, etc.

14. Toxicity

15. Environmental Hazard

16. Waste Management: ordinary waste liquid treatment method applies

17. Packaging
Clean drum, Net drum weight: 200 kg or 100 kg

18. Safety and Precautions:
Store in a cool, ventilated place, no leakage

19. Directions:
This decoagulation agent is used for oilfield crude oil pipeline. Add proct directly or add after diluting with solvent and then add into crude oil pipeline.

Manufacturer name and official seal:

热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 08:51

1.Proct Name
Petroleum Technology Co., LTD
4.Proct Composition and Molecular Formula
Poly maleic anhydride acrylate
5.Appearance and Smell
Yellowish paste, no smell.
For raw oil drop coagulation
8.Physical Properties
Melting point: more than 45 degrees Celsius.
Flashing point: no flashover determined to boil
Spontaneous combustion : No
Solubility In Water: not dissolve
PH value
9. Fire prevention measures, Extinguishing agent,fire extinguishing method
Far from flame; Co2 fire extinguisher;
10. Emergency relief measures
Breathing in ventilated place
Skin: wash by water
Eyes: wash by water
Eat: lured to vomit
11. Storage Methods:
Stored in ventilated dry place, for one year
12. Transportation Methods: common means of transportation
13. Personal Protective Measures
Wearing overalls, wear latex gloves, etc
15.Dangerous to Environment
16. Waste to Disposal: common liquid
17. Package Information
Packed with clean iron buckets, 200kg or 100kg each bucket
18. Safety Precaution:
Placed in a cool, ventilated place, prevent lost
19.Proct Usage
This proct is suitable for transporting raw oil in
oilfields, can be used directly or diluted.
Stamp for Procer


热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 08:51

1. Proct name – Pour point depressant
2. Manufacturer – Petrotech Company Limited
3. Hazard classification -
4. Proction composition and molecular formula –
HPMA acrylic ester
5. Appearance and odor – light yellow creamy paste, odorless
6. Proct stability – stable
7. Application – crude oil pour depressant
8. Physical properties –
Density –
Melting point – above 45°C
Flash point – No flash of flame when tested to boiling
Spontaneous combustion – Not spontaneous combustible
Solubility in water – Insoluble in water
PH value –
Particle size –
Others –
9. Fire precaution, extinguishing agent and method –
Keep away from flames; Co2 fire extinguisher
10. First aid measures –
Respiration : transfer to a well ventilated area
Skin : Wash with water
Eyes: Wash with water
Ingestion: Ince vomit
11. Storage – Store in a dry, ventilated place, 1 year storage life
12. Transportation – Normal mode of transportation
13. Personal safeguard practice –
Wear work clothes and rubber gloves
14. Proct toxicity –
15. Environmental risks –
16. Waste management method –
Normal liquid waste disposal treatment
17. Packing information –
Packed in clean steel drums; each drum net weight 200kg or 100kg.
18. Proct safety precaution method –
Store in cool and ventilated area, prevent leakage.
19. Proct application method –
Suitable to be used in crude oil pipelines of oil field; it can be added in directly or after diluted with solvent.

Company name and seal of manufacturer:


热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 08:52

1. The proct name

Drop flocculences

2. Procers

Petroleum technology Co., LTD

3. Dangerous types

4. Proct components and molecular formula

Poly maleic anhydride acrylates

5. Look and smell

Yellowish paste, no smell.

6. Proct stability stable

7. Use

Used for oil drop coagulation

8. Physical properties


Melting point more than 45 degrees Celsius.

Flash point: determine to a boil no flashover

Spontaneous combustion sex: not spontaneous combustion

The water solubility: water not dissolve

PH value



9. Fire prevention measures, flame retardant, fire extinguishing method

Far from flame; Co2 fire extinguisher;

10. Emergency relief measures

Breathing in ventilated place

Skin: wash

Eyes: water

Mouth food: lure vomit

11. Storage methods:

Stored in ventilated dry place, shelf life for a year

12. Transportation methods: common means of transport

13. Personal protective measures

Wearing overalls, wear latex gloves, etc

14. Proct toxicity

15. Environmental risk

16. Waste management method: according to the ordinary liquid treatment can

17. Packaging information

Use clean drum packaging net, 200kg or 100kg a barrel

18. The proct safety precaution:

On a cool, ventilated place, prevent lost

Proct use: 19.

This drop flocculences suitable for oilfield crude oil pipeline, can use procts used to join, usable also solvent refined after diluted in crude oil pipeline to join.

Procers name and seal:

热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 08:53

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