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请帮忙把这段文字翻译成英文 !!!谢谢!急!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 16:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 16:11

When the pollutants into rivers, lakes and groundwater, the content of such water over the water, water purification ability nature of sediment and water quality of physical and chemical or biological community composition occur

And thus rece water use value and function of the phenomenon, called the water pollution. Large amounts of organic and inorganic pollutants into the water, not only damage aquatic ecosystems, and harm and to people

Body health, water shortage causes of instrial and agricultural proction, make people affected by life.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 16:11

When the pollutants into the rivers, lakes and other water bodies or groundwater, its content more than the natural purification of water bodies so that the water quality of water bodies and water quality at the end of the physical, chemical nature or composition of biological communities change

Technology, which reces the value of water bodies and the use of functional phenomenon, known as water pollution. A large number of inorganic and organic pollutants into the water, not only the destruction of aquatic ecosystems, and hazards and to the people

Physical health, water quality and water shortages caused by instrial and agricultural proction so that people, whose livelihood has been affected.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 16:12

When the pollutants go into the main parts of the rivers ,lakes and groundwater,the content of such water over the water's own purification ability nature, its sediment and water quality of physical and chemical or biological community composition occurs.And thus rece the use value of water and function of the phenomenon, which is called the water pollution. Large amounts of organic and inorganic pollutants into the water, not only damage aquatic ecosystems, but also harm to people's health, water's shortage causes people's instrial and agricultural proction and life.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 16:12




After the pollutant enters water bodies and so on rivers, lake or ground water, its content has surpassed the water body nature purification ability, causes the water body the water quality and water body body physics, the chemical property or the biotic community composes occurs changes , thus reced the water body use value and the use function phenomenon, is called the water body pollution. Massive inorganic, the organic pollutant enters the water body, not only destroys the aquatic ecosystem, moreover the harm and person the body health, causes the water quality water scarcity to cause the people instry and agriculture proction, the life to come under the influence.

His son asked him to do. 老父亲说:“为儿子做回家路途的标记。”儿子无乱如何也不忍心就这样抛弃老父亲。 Old father said: "The road home for the son's tag." How could not bear his son in confusion on this abandoned old father. 于是在深山里盖了一个小屋然后才回去。 So in ...

请帮我把这段话翻译成英文 急用 谢谢

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