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哪位大神能把这段话翻译成英文 急急 求帮助

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 06:31



热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 04:33

Private lending disputes debt jointly identify legal issues
In many cases, private lending disputes, cases involving jointly identified significantly increased debt, look at our current debt-related laws and regulations jointly inevitably some vague incomplete, there is a debt that standard fuzzy, difficult burden of proof, the burden of proof home injustice and other problems in the judicial practice there are different court, different co-judge sentenced phenomenon, and even different judges of the same court to hear the results in such cases are not uniform. Marital Debt System with the general system differ debt, itself not only with attributes property law, and because of the specific identity and the identity of both property law. Therefore I believe that such a system should be considered in the development of not only maintaining the security of transactions creditors should also be considered marital property interest of all parties, except the case of jointly owned by extending debt, scientific allocation of the burden of proof, a common public disclosure of property and contract property major issues jointly signed by private lending and other ways to deal with disputes related to the couple's joint debt difficulties encountered determined to achieve a just and authority of the law.
Keywords: private lending, husband and wife together debt, dilemma追问十分谢谢你 请问你是在哪翻译的 要交论文检查了 怕过不了 我已经被打回来一次了


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