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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 17:29



热心网友 时间:2024-02-25 18:18


提问者: 落宇ing - 魔法学徒 一级
回答 共 1 条
The materials used:
1, macaroni February 2.
2, pork around February 2.
3, and onions on February 2.
4, a garlic alone.
5, tomato sauce a Tangshao.
6, half coffee spoon of sugar.
7, a starch tbsp.
8, mirrin 1 tbsp.
9, the amount of salt.

1, at the end of the meat cut, cut Xiaoding onion and garlic cut at the end of starch in Riga against the amount of water into Euryale ferox juice.
2, put a small pot heat the oil burned to 40%, under Roumo speculation Fa scattered to the surface, to Dai Yong Sheng.
3, wash the pot home on fire, burning 50% of the oil-heat, the minced garlic, onion speculation about Mr Ban Fenzhong
4, under Roumo, mirrin, tomato sauce, sugar, salt, up Chaoyun.
5, adding Banbei water, use of fire to Gaixiao Shaofei fire about two minutes to broth will be dry, Gouqian Roujiang made to Dai Yong Sheng.
6, boiling pans of water Shaofei, the pasta, regular salt and cook seven or eight minutes to cooked, remove brown water.
7, after the Super bowl put tbsp Tiaohuo You拌匀against each other adhesion, and then you eat Linshangroujiang

热心网友 时间:2024-02-25 18:19

The materials used:
1, macaroni February 2.
2, pork around February 2.
3, and onions on February 2.
4, a garlic alone.
5, tomato sauce a Tangshao.
6, half coffee spoon of sugar.
7, a starch tbsp.
8, mirrin 1 tbsp.
9, the amount of salt.

1, at the end of the meat cut, cut Xiaoding onion and garlic cut at the end of starch in Riga against the amount of water into Euryale ferox juice.
2, put a small pot heat the oil burned to 40%, under Roumo speculation Fa scattered to the surface, to Dai Yong Sheng.
3, wash the pot home on fire, burning 50% of the oil-heat, the minced garlic, onion speculation about Mr Ban Fenzhong
4, under Roumo, mirrin, tomato sauce, sugar, salt, up Chaoyun.
5, adding Banbei water, use of fire to Gaixiao Shaofei fire about two minutes to broth will be dry, Gouqian Roujiang made to Dai Yong Sheng.
6, boiling pans of water Shaofei, the pasta, regular salt and cook seven or eight minutes to cooked, remove brown water.
7, after the Super bowl put tbsp Tiaohuo You拌匀against each other adhesion, and then you eat Linshangroujiang

热心网友 时间:2024-02-25 18:19

The materials used:
1, macaroni February 2.
2, pork around February 2.
3, and onions on February 2.
4, a garlic alone.
5, tomato sauce a Tangshao.
6, half coffee spoon of sugar.
7, a starch tbsp.
8, mirrin 1 tbsp.
9, the amount of salt.
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