let the sunshine in 的歌词
发布时间:2022-05-29 23:36
时间:2024-04-29 07:51
Mommy told me something A little kid should know 妈妈告诉我一个小孩子应该知道的故事It's all about the devil And I learned to hate him so 都是关于一个魔鬼并且我开始对他恨之入骨She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room He'll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom 她说只要你允许他进入你的世界,这个魔鬼便制造麻烦。如果你的内心世界充满阴暗,它将对你纠缠不休,对你不放过。Chorus: So let the sun shine in 所以,让心里充满阳光Face it with a grin 以灿烂的笑脸相迎Smilers never lose微笑自信永不服输 And Frowners never win 紧缩眉宇终不能胜So let the sun shine in 所以,让心里充满阳光Face it with a grin 以灿烂的笑脸相迎 Open up your heart and let the sun shine in 敞开你的心房,让阳光温暖你When you are unhappy The devil wears a grin如果你不快乐,这个恶魔就一脸得意 But oh he starts to run in When the light comes prowling in 如果阳光普照,它将开始四处逃匿I know he'll be unhappy Cause I'll never wear a frown 我知道它将不快乐,因为我从不愁眉苦脸。Maybe if we keep on smiling He'll get tired of hanging 'round 如果我们尝试笑容满面,它将疲于奔波,精疲力尽。If I forget to say my prayers The devil jumps with glee 如果我忘记去祈祷,它又得意显性。But he feels so awful awful When he sees me on my knees 当我跪地祈祷,它就会深深地恐惧、害怕。So if you feel of trouble And you never seem to move Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in如果你遇到烦恼又无所是从,那就敞开心扉,让心里充满阳光。 (Chorus) Suuuuun Shiiiiiine iiiiiin 阳!!!!光!!!!!Suuuuun Shiiiiiine iiiiiin 阳!!!!光!!!!!Mommy told me something A little kid should know 妈妈告诉我一个小孩子应该知道的故事It's all about the devil And I learned to hate him so 都是关于一个魔鬼并且我开始对他恨之入骨If I forget to say my prayers The devil jumps with glee 如果我忘记去祈祷,它又得意显性。But he feels so awful awful When he sees me on my knees 当我跪地祈祷,它就会深深地恐惧、害怕。So if you feel of trouble And you never seem to move Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in如果你遇到烦恼又无所是从,那就敞开心扉,让心里充满阳光。
时间:2024-04-29 07:51
求let the sunshine in中英文歌词
以灿烂的笑脸相迎 Open up your heart and let the sun shine in 敞开你的心房,让阳光温暖你 When you are unhappy The devil wears a grin 如果你不快乐,这个恶魔就一脸得意 But oh he starts to run in When the light comes prowling in 如果阳光普照,它将开始四处逃匿 I know he'll ...
谁帮我把let the sunshine in这首歌的词翻译下
So let the sun shine in 让阳关照进来吧,Face it with a grin 对它露齿微笑;Open up your heart and let the sun shine in 敞开你的心扉,让阳光照进来。When you are unhappy 当你一直不开心,The devil wears a grin 魔鬼就脸带微笑;But oh he starts to run in 但他会转身就逃,...
《十三不亲》歌词朋友们要听歌 听我再唱十三亲 句句说的大实话 我的朋友呀 听在耳里记在心里那哎嗨哟 父母亲不一定亲 父母给我们养育恩 全心付出不图报我的哥们呀 父母之恩重千金那哎嗨哟 丈母娘亲她亲不亲 姑爷姑娘常回门 笑口常开多干活我的哥们呀 丈母娘喜欢勤快人那哎嗨哟 情人亲她亲不...
求bambee的let the sunshine in 的歌词
when you let him in your room He’ll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom So let the sun shine in Face it with a grin Smilers never lose And Frowners never win So let the sun shine in Face it with a grin Open up your heart and let the sun shine ...
let the sunshine in歌词及中文翻译
求let the sunshine in中英文歌词
从这首歌曲"Let the Sunshine In"的歌词中,我们可以得出一个核心信息:面对生活中的困难和阴暗情绪,我们应该选择乐观积极,让阳光照进内心。歌词中的妈妈告诫孩子,一个魔鬼般的困扰会在你允许它进入时带来麻烦,但如果内心充满阳光,它就无处遁形。歌曲强调了笑容的力量,"Smilers never lose",那些总...
女生唱的一首英文歌歌词里有一个单词是sunshine 最后还有笑声 有知道歌...
You gotta let me know where I stand Tell me where I stand Are we gonna be hand in hand Or did I just fall in love with a friend Tell me where I stand We ain't' gotta move it nowhere I just gotta know where I am Tell me where I stand Are we gonna be hand in ...
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let the sunshine in什么意思
let the sunshine in歌手简介
Frente,这是一个源于澳洲的音乐团队,最初他们的名字是"Frente!",但不知是哪个成员的突发奇想,他们简化为"Frente",这个名称自此成为了他们的标志。起初,团队由四位成员组成:Angie Hart负责主唱,Simon Austin负责主唱和吉他,Tim O' Connor担纲贝斯手,而Mark Picton则坐镇鼓手的位置。不同于许多...