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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 23:19



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 15:56

He often buys books for me.
Kangkang wants to try on this jacket.
How much are these trousers.
What do you think of these shoes?
Jane alwasy likes apple juice.
Why not have some fish and eggs?
I usually drink some milk for breakfast.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 15:56

1.他经常给我买书 He often buy books for me
2.康康想试穿这件夹克 Kang Kang would like to try on this jacket.
3.这裤子多少钱?how much is these trousers.?
4.你认为这鞋怎么样?how do you think about this pair of shoes ?
5.简一直很喜欢苹果汁Jane is liking apple juice.
6.为什么不吃鱼和鸡蛋呢?why not eat fish and egg ?
7.早餐我通常喝一些牛奶 I often drink some milk for breakfast

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 15:57

1.他经常给我买书 He often buy books for me
2.康康想试穿这件夹克 Kang Kang would like to try on this jacket.
3.这裤子多少钱?how much is these trousers.?
4.你认为这鞋怎么样?how do you think about this pair of shoes ?
5.简一直很喜欢苹果汁Jane is liking apple juice.
6.为什么不吃鱼和鸡蛋呢?why not eat fish and egg ?
7.早餐我通常喝一些牛奶 I often drink some milk for breakfast


热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 15:57

He always buys books for me
Kang Kang would like to try this jacket on.
how much are the trousers.?
what do you think of this pair of shoes ?
Jane is liking apple juice.
6.为什么不吃鱼和鸡蛋呢?why not eat fish and eggs ?
7.早餐我通常喝一些牛奶 I often drink some milk for breakfast

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 15:58


Grade 7 七年级 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!


7年级1班的英文翻译:Class one, Grade seven.7年级2班的英文翻译:Class two, Grade seven.7年级3班的英文翻译:Class three, Grade seven.7年级4班的英文翻译:Class four, Grade seven.7年级5班的英文翻译:Class five, Grade seven.7年级6班的英文翻译:Class six, Grade seven.7年级7班的...


Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 上午好!Starter Unit 2 What's this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?Starter Unit 3 What color is it? 它是什么颜色?Unit 1 My name's Gina. 我的名字叫吉娜。Unit 2 This is my sister. 这是我姐姐。Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗?Unit...


a glass of water 2.two bowls of rice 3.three packets of salt 4.four bags of rice 5.five kilos of beef 6.six pieces of bread 7.seven glasses of milk 8.eight bottles of juice 9.twenty cartons of tea 10.nine baskets of tomatoes 考的是量词。望采纳。


Kangkang wants to try on this jacket.3.这裤子多少钱?:How much are these trousers.4.你认为这鞋怎么样?:What do you think of these shoes?5.简一直很喜欢苹果汁:Jane alwasy likes apple juice.6.为什么不吃鱼和鸡蛋呢?:Why not have some fish and eggs?7.早餐我通常喝一些牛奶:I ...


1、cook a special dinner煮一份特别的晚餐 2、a beautiful light blue dress一条淡蓝色的裙子 3、Tomorrow is her birthdey明天是她生日 4、Mr Brow and his daughter,Mary are planning to celebrate it.布朗和他的女儿打算庆祝一下。5、Mary would like to cook a special dinner.玛丽想要煮一...


7.把某物卖给……sell something to…8.以……价格买入 purchase at the price of…9.来到……arrive at..10.来买 come to buy 11.来看 Come to see 12.在你们学校 In your school 13.英语晚会 The English Evening 14.图书销售会 Book Sale Fair 我亲自为你翻译的。通过大学英语六级了。


1.尽快 as soon as possible 2.校园剧 school drama 3.出去吃饭 go out for a meal 4.喜欢结识朋友 like making friends 5.和其他年青人工作 work together with other young people 6.一份危险的工作 a job with danger 7.株洲晚报 Zhuzhou Evening Newspaper ...


I am learning English and have learned a lot. I'm also visiting some of my old friends. I'm so happy to see them again.我正在学习英语并且学到了很多。我也正在拜访我的一些老朋友。再次见到他们我是如此的高兴。It's afternoon. I'm sitting by the swimming pool drinking orange ...


He's sitting at the newspaper stand near the bus stop,and he's smiling.The sun is shining,it's very hot,but he's smiling.他坐在报纸上站在公共汽车站附近,他笑着,太阳在照耀,它很热,但他微笑着。A bus stops,and the people rush out . They're hurrying to work.They don't...

七年级上册英语课文翻译 初一英语全部翻译 七年级英语互译 七年级用英语怎么说 七年级下册英语书课文翻译 外研版英语七上改版 外研版英语七上改版翻译 七年级英语句子和翻译 七年级上册英语第2页翻译
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