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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 18:59



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 04:17


我有一篇,以前参加区的演讲比赛,呵呵 得奖的文章 题目是 :“The Importance of the English”Respected Leaders, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I’m deeply honored and very pleasured to stand on this stage to enjoy this moment. Now today, I would like to say something about the...


When you walk throught the front gate, there is a huge garden that greets you with every kind of natural things. To the left is the school library in which there are more than 100, 000 books. To the right is the experiment building. In the very middle of the school yard...


Everybody have different opinions about seatbelts, some people think it is not necessary because there's rarely usage of it, but some people think it is necessary because they think its for their own safety. I think it is necessary and essential to wear a seatbelt, it is about ...


1.12 years ago, I was born in a happy family, there was a gentle father, a beautiful mother and a handsome brother, all the family were so happy for the birth of me. My family was full of warmth and happiness. My parents and brother love me very much, in the Na...

求作文《英语口语考试有必要吗》 要求议论文 300到400字 句子简单 方...

First of all, we can pay heed to the pronunciation of English words. It is known to all that any language is for communication. We always speak a language to describe our thinking with others. The wrong accent may take some troubles in making others comprehend our points. The ...


It is exactly convenient for credit card holders to buy what they want, especially when the price is high, which brings great inconvenience for cash payers. With credit cards, people do not have to bring cash in their wallets. However, the paying machines are not quite popular in...


The guard replies, "Sure.They're sixty-five million,four years,and six months old."这个看守回答说:“当然可以,它们已有六千五百万零四年六个月老了”。The guard answers,"Well,they were sixty-five million years old when I started working here, and that was four and a half years...


1、Hello,my first name is San. my last name is Zhang. I am 13 years old. I am 160 cm tall. I'm from to Maoming. My favourite color is black. My favourite food is fish. I like running and swimming. My favourite number is 6. I am active.你好,我的名字叫三,姓张。


口语英语作文:oral english how to improve my oral english ?(1)Well, forget any embarrassment and sense of dignity.To be honest, my situation is anything but poor , but i speak English every day since my very beginning about 3 years ago; sometimes, when (I was) in university,...

急求一篇英语作文,口语考试用,要求120词左右,题目及内容要点如下: 真...

First, the place where you are is very significant. If it is possible, you should stay in the open air where no any high buildings or trees around you. However, if you have no time to go outside, please quickly hide in the narrow places between higher objectives or keep ...

七年级作文以感恩为话题的作文 七年级话题作文题目精选 七年级上册语文作文题目 以成长为话题的七年级作文 以七年级为话题写一篇作文 以希望为话题的作文600字七年级 七年级上册一篇以陪伴为话题的作文 七年级作文走出校园为话题500 七年级以感动为话题的作文700字
...把其中任意三面分上、中、下挂在旗杆上表示不同信号,一共可以组成... 质能转换爱因斯坦的形象比喻 质能转换基本概念 如何制作美味的抹茶冰激凌? 在淘宝网上开游戏卡和手机充值卡的店怎么寻找货源?O(∩_∩)O谢谢 ...它们的直径的比是( ),周长的比是( ),面积的比是( )? 很急啊!_百度... ...比是5比3,半径比是多少,直径比是多少,面积比是多少,你发现了什么... ...周长比是5比3,半径比是(),直径比是(),面积比是()。 鸡肝煮多长时间 ...是5:3,他们的直径比是(),周长比是(),面积比是(),他们的周长与自己半... 初中七年级英语口语比赛怎样搭配衣服? 变量马达在起重机上的应用? 50hz的电机用变频器用在60hz的电压上有什么变化 面试外贸销售有必要在简历写上教师资格证证书吗 陕西智通电气有限公司怎么样? 我想用EXCEL做一个柱形图图表,怎样才能将图表的纵坐标设置成科学计数法,要是10的N次方那种形式哦 请问这是什么电机? 有谁知道这是哪位ins博主 2020.11.1黄河里好钓鱼吗? 有知道这个博主ins的吗 济南黄河钓鱼怎么样 图中数据过大,怎样将标签和坐标轴除以10000 怎样在“招商证券智能版”上建立自己的等级 这位小姐姐是谁,ins的ID是啥 歌词中有“我们都有一双翅膀,给你穿越风雨的力量”歌的名字是? 一双翅膀歌词有没有错误?如果有,请将一双翅膀歌词改错。 粤语童谣《丁字唔爱勾》是什么意思? 模拟商务谈判中,法律顾问需要讲些什么 我要参加一个吉利收购沃尔沃的模拟商务谈判 谁给点谈判的建议啊? 供应商的选择(模拟谈判) 带强字的成语 西安电动车36V什么电池好,价格多少 变频器控制的电机能加时控开关吗? 强字开头锁结尾的 成语 电机,380v接星形和220v接三角有什么优缺点? 带强字或谐音的成语、诗句! 选择广告雕刻机应注意哪几点?(西安木工雕刻机) 求一篇英语演讲稿,7年级难度的,是口语竞赛的自我介绍 强和干的四字成语 以强字开头的褒义成语有哪些 为了了解学校七年级学生的英语口试情况学校随机调查了50名学生的考试成绩在这 没做过外贸 怎么做简历 七年级(下)英语语法 没有外贸工作经验简历怎么做 初一年级希望之星英语口语大赛一般需要几分钟的演讲稿?大约几个单词?急!急!急! 推荐轻松搞笑动漫 搞笑漫画日和全集mp4 《搞笑漫画日和4》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源 带星的搞笑漫画大全 谁能给我推荐三本本漫画!比较幽默、搞笑的。最好说出这个漫画的主要内容。也最好是全集,我不想分集买!