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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 17:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 05:08

Opportunities are only for the prepared mind

There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of opportunity.Some people think that opportunities are rare and only the luckiest persons can obtain them,while some other argue that in a sense everyone has opportunity from time to time .
As far as I was concerned,I argued with the latter to some extent.I think that various kinds of opportunities are around us all the time .However,the opportunity will not run into us voluntarily.We must try our best to find them and make full use of them.

I can think of no better illustration of the view than my own experience.When I was studying in high school ,there was a national writing competion .Most of my classmates thought that they had virtually no chance of wining the competition since they were studying in a rural school.But I felt that was a good chance and I must grasp it.So I get good ready for it and finally I won the second prize.This experience lead me to conclude that "Opportunities are only for the prepared mind."

This writing is especially for you ,I hope that you can get something from it and to be a prepared mind ,from now on!
今年是第几届世界杯啊? 今年是第几届世界杯 还关于奖杯 今年这是第几届世界杯? ...的,但当时心悦会员留的手机号早就不用了,现在也改不了,会有安全问题... 我们的大脑会"停止运作"或者"卡机“吗? ...当时大脑空白几分钟这是为什么?代表什么?我还没谈过恋爱。。_百度知... 大脑当机是什么意思? 中山招商银行在那里有 八字合婚:属鸡和属狗的合财吗 婚配好不好呢 一分钟能干什么作文一分钟能干什么作文范文 关于机会是给有准备的人的的英语作文(最好有中文翻译的),急急急i!!拜托快点!!! 日常幽默用语 最搞笑的日常用语 有没有关于机会的英语作文啊 搞笑语言? 如何注册第二个 一个手机号怎么注册两个? 怎么申请两个 一个手机号怎么申请第二个? 怎样注册多个 怎样申请第二个 阿狸e现在还加20%伤害么 怎么注册第二个 九尾妖狐阿狸的E和Q多少码 怎么申请第二个 LOL阿狸的E可以挡住稻草人的R吗 lol阿狸被贴脸后e不中人。那个E直接从敌人身后飞过去了 阿狸的e对剑圣r有效果吗? lol 狐狸总是E不准,怎么练呢?还有请教一点狐狸前期对线的技巧~希望可以具体说一下和安妮,阿娇, 阿狸的E闪的效果大家都知道,我想知道阿狸在ER,也可以产生同样的效果吗 “选择机会多比选择机会少更好”的英语作文,急用,谢谢 本命年身上要带点什么东西能带来好运?最好是手腕上的 本命年手上带什么比较好 羊年本命年带什么好 小故事大道理(女孩版)》 三国里有没有关于女生的小故事?我要演话剧........ 微软官方caffe和老版本的区别是什么? 齐齐哈尔市城市供热管理规定 "释"字在文言文中的意思 哈密市城市供热用热管理条例 手机界面设计课程总结 释在古代汉语中的翻译 文言文翻译昼夜手为释的释的含义 电视剧与狼共舞第一部和第二部有啥关联? 文言文翻译昼夜手为释的释的含义 古文《释车而走》的原文及译文。 古文《释车而走》的原文及译文。 守株待兔的文言文翻译,走【 】,释【 】,冀【 】,身【 】,兔不可复得,而身为宋国笑的意思 守株待兔的文言文翻译,走【 】,释【 】,冀【 】,身【 】,兔不可复得,而身为宋国笑的意思 趣弟隧释之 翻译文言文