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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 20:23



热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 23:51



  Student: Drew.Do you like going to parties?


  Teacher:Yes .My friends say I'm a real party animal.


  Student:What's the party like in your country?


  Teacher: Well,you know,Cause beer is very expensive in Canada.We always bring our own beer. It's called BYOB party,and we play drinking games,sometimes it's really crazy.


  Student:What do you do at parties, drinking?


  Teacher:Yeah,we drink, dance, pick up hot chicks and have fun.

  学生:Hot chick是什么意思?

  Student:Hot chic


  Teacher:That means beautiful girls.

  学生:校园里有很多聚会吗? u<`da E

  Student:Are there lots of parties on campus?


  Teacher:Yeah.We would party after exams.You know we need to relax. So we hit the bars.



  老师:噢,Hit在这里不是指打的意思,Hit the bar表示我们列一张酒吧的单子,然后挨个去逛。

  Teacher:Oh! Hit the bars doesn't mean we hit them.It means we make a list of bars and go around them.


  Student:Oh. Thanks.


  Teacher:You're welcome.

2....A:You believe that smoking helps people relax and think more effectively. you argue that many famous statesmen smoke heavliy and live healthliy into their eighties while some nonsmokers die young.
B:You are persuade you partner to give up smoking ,saying that medical reseach has proved the destructive effect of smoking on human health .Besides,smoking is forbindden in public places in more and more countries

热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 23:51

A: Are you being helped?
B: No. What do you have in brown suede jackets, size 40?
A: The closest I have is a 38.
B: Do you think you'll be getting any more in?
A: No, but they might have them at our other store.

2.A: Is anybody waiting on you?
B: No. I'm trying to find a green sweater in extra large.
B: We have your size, but not in that color.
A: Can you order one for me?
B: Certainly. Just give me your name and address.

3.A: Is somebody taking care of you?
B: No. I'd like a long-sleeved shirt in yellow, medium.
A: I think we're out of your size.
B: Well, can you get me one?
A: I think so. Check back next week.

4.A: Is anyone helping you?
B: No. I'm looking for a navy blue raincoat, size 36.
A: I'm afraid we don't have any left.
B: Will you be getting more in?
A: Yes. Try us again next Monday.
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