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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 21:14



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 06:04

Baseball is a kind of sports involves hitting the ball by a wooden bat, which is also a sport requires good teamwork and antagonism. Baseball is played worldwide with great impact, it is also known as "the unity of competition and intelligence". Baseball is very popular in Japan and America, which is regarded as the national sport of both nations. The participants for each team is restricted to at least 9 players. Moreover, baseball is similar to softball. Players are categorised into two camps —— the attacking camp and the defending camp. They play aganst each other by using bats and mitts in a fan-shaped area. In a baseball game, two teams take turns to play offensive side. When an attacker runs back to their home base successfully, the offensive team score 1 point. The team which scores the highest in total 9 rounds will be the winning team.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 06:04

Baseball is a kind of stick to play as the main features of the collective, confrontational strong ball games. It carried out more widely in the international arena, a greater impact, known as "the combination of athletic and wisdom." In the United States, especially popular in Japan, known as the "national sport." Baseball game statutory minimum number of nine people, and their approximate sport is softball. Baseball players are divided into offensive and defensive two parties, the use of bat and glove in a baseball field in the sector to compete. Game, two teams alternating Offense: back to home plate when the offensive player is successful, you can get 1 point. Highest score in nine innings to win a team.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 06:05

Baseball is a good play as the main characteristics, the collective, strong antagonism ball games project. It is widespread in the world, great influence, known as "the combination of athletic and wisdom". Have become particularly popular in the United States, Japan, known as the "national sport". Baseball game legal number of games for at least nine people, and its approximate sports as baseball. Baseball players are divided into two parties attack and defence, the use of bat and glove, playing in a baseball fan. Competition, the two teams alternating attacks: when attacking players successfully ran back to home, can score a point. Of the highest scoring team won nine innings.
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