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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 05:42



热心网友 时间:2023-07-20 22:01

After I only own a professional grade students with the investigation, after four years of study, all of the most interesting of the three specialist subjects are: management, organizational behavior, commercial banks, business administration. The most popular of the three specialist subjects are: calculus, operations research and business statistics (all math class). All the students do not like a few mandatory political theory class, review the time invested is minimal. It is clear that students like those classes more active mode, there are more opportunities for discussion of the bias liberal arts-type subjects. Mathematics is the most obnoxious people. General view was that, in addition to engaging in some research work, such mathematics subjects in future work almost entirely useless and have to put significant effort to review, the learning process is also a lack of fun.

In the elective course, different students motivation to learn are entirely different. Half of the students out of interest, careful selection of favorite elective. The other half choose attendance loose quiz exam courses.

Teachers to students in the learning of a discipline has a vital role. 80% of students felt that the teacher teaching the indivial impact on student learning. Generally thought that a very great impact. Monotonous lectures of the teachers are not being recognized. Students the most popular type is the teacher lectures interesting, meaningful, can practice, bearing in mind the exchange of feedback with the students to enable students to high investment involved in learning to. If the teachers can adopt a liberal rating criteria and performance appraisal system will be more perfect. After I asked, in the international financial institute, even in the English teaching has been adapted to the circumstances, the use of English teaching, original way of teaching is still a serious impact on the students learning the discipline level of enthusiasm and understanding. I personally think that the future whether it is really necessary to insist on English teaching mode is questionable.

International Business Studies students, learning initiative is to improve continuously decreasing with grade. Non-attendance rate is rising. In the freshman period, the students absenteeism, non-attendance rate is around only 10% or less. But by senior year, the proportion had reached 50%. If it is not class attendance, and in severe cases of a class attendance of only a few people.

I think that, in order to further enhance the learning enthusiasm of our college. Available from the following considerations.

An interest in is the best teacher, for the purpose of the subjects interested in a direct impact on student learning motivation, and academic performance play a decisive role. To this end, we should take relevant measures to foster and improve students have learned to their own professional interests as to stimulate the enthusiasm of students have achieved outstanding results in the breakthrough.

2, a stable, competitive mechanisms for the environment. The school itself needs for a situation of peace and stability, leadership and the teachers are the first to be concerned about the learning of students, with qualified teaching management capabilities, seek to mobilize students passion for learning.

Three additional self-study sites. Library and teaching building of the self-study rooms is insufficient.

The above is my own summary.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-20 22:01

After I only own a professional grade students with the investigation, after four years of study, all of the most interesting of the three specialist subjects are: management, organizational behavior, commercial banks, business administration. The most popular of the three specialist subjects are: calculus, operations research and business statistics (all math class). All the students do not like a few mandatory political theory class, review the time invested is minimal. It is clear that students like those classes more active mode, there are more opportunities for discussion of the bias liberal arts-type subjects. Mathematics is the most obnoxious people. General view was that, in addition to engaging in some research work, such mathematics subjects in future work almost entirely useless and have to put significant effort to review, the learning process is also a lack of fun.

In the elective course, different students motivation to learn are entirely different. Half of the students out of interest, careful selection of favorite elective. The other half choose attendance loose quiz exam courses.

Teachers to students in the learning of a discipline has a vital role. 80% of students felt that the teacher teaching the indivial impact on student learning. Generally thought that a very great impact. Monotonous lectures of the teachers are not being recognized. Students the most popular type is the teacher lectures interesting, meaningful, can practice, bearing in mind the exchange of feedback with the students to enable students to high investment involved in learning to. If the teachers can adopt a liberal rating criteria and performance appraisal system will be more perfect. After I asked, in the international financial institute, even in the English teaching has been adapted to the circumstances, the use of English teaching, original way of teaching is still a serious impact on the students learning the discipline level of enthusiasm and understanding. I personally think that the future whether it is really necessary to insist on English teaching mode is questionable.

International Business Studies students, learning initiative is to improve continuously decreasing with grade. Non-attendance rate is rising. In the freshman period, the students absenteeism, non-attendance rate is around only 10% or less. But by senior year, the proportion had reached 50%. If it is not class attendance, and in severe cases of a class attendance of only a few people.

I think that, in order to further enhance the learning enthusiasm of our college. Available from the following considerations.

An interest in is the best teacher, for the purpose of the subjects interested in a direct impact on student learning motivation, and academic performance play a decisive role. To this end, we should take relevant measures to foster and improve students have learned to their own professional interests as to stimulate the enthusiasm of students have achieved outstanding results in the breakthrough.

2, a stable, competitive mechanisms for the environment. The school itself needs for a situation of peace and stability, leadership and the teachers are the first to be concerned about the learning of students, with qualified teaching management capabilities, seek to mobilize students passion for learning.

Three additional self-study sites. Library and teaching building of the self-study rooms is insufficient.

The above is my own summary.有道字典


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