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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 05:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 15:15




1. Boiling water

The best water for tea making is soft water such as mountain spring water, purified water and mineral water. Whether it needs 80 ℃ or 90 ℃ hot water to make tea, it must be boiled first and then dried to the appropriate temperature.

2. Wash the cup

Pour hot water into the teapot, cover bowl, smell cup and tea cup, which is called scalding pot and washing cup. Clean the tea set and increase the temperature of the tea set, which is also concive to incing tea aroma ring subsequent tea making. Pay attention to the need to quickly pour out the water.

3. Throw tea

Generally speaking, the tea water ratio is 1:30 ~ 50, that is, add 3 grams of tea and inject at least 150ml of water. It can be determined according to personal taste. Those who like strong tea can add more tea, and those who like light tea can add more water appropriately.

4. Brew

Pay attention to "Phoenix three nods" ring water injection and brewing, that is, tilt the teapot down and lift it up three times to "nod" to the guests. At the same time, it can also make the concentration of tea soup uniform. Note that the tea is full at seven points. If it is too full, it is easy to burn when serving tea.

5. Pour tea

A good tea soup is usually poured into the sea of tea. The sea of tea is also called a fair cup, which means that tea is fair. Then pour it into the tea cup from the tea sea, which means tasting tea.

6. Fengcha

The tea cup needs to be placed on the tea tray and then handed to the tea guest. Pay attention to placing it in front of the tea guests right hand. After delivering tea, you also need to make a posture of inviting tea with your right hand.

7. Tea tasting

After you pick up the tea cup, dont drink it in a hurry. Smell the tea first, and then taste it. Sip the tea soup, let it stay in your mouth for a few seconds, feel the aftertaste and sweetness of the tea soup, and then slide it down your throat.



The window mingled with underground with rain, not to drink a cup of tea. Take some tea, and into the cup. Boil the water, carefully into the cup, crystal clear small trickles out from the gently plugged, it ran into the cup, rolled up vortex, marked the washed up, there is heavy, like the sudden success go to our TouLian, standing in the life of intersections, dont know is this forward or backward. Wait a moment two, look at the cup and the pieces of tea stretch apart, such as children and stretch general, as if the open-minded and bright life.

We walked along the path of childhood, will walk away, in the heart of childish started to recede, we began to experience the life appearance condition, experienced numerous setbacks pain, also have the joy of success eyes wipe on the vicissitudes of a pen, leaving the years trace, but give us a lot of experience, so that we no longer the kindness hesitate, like the efforts to extend their tea. Life such as tea.

写茶英语 篇二:

Drinking tea is very healthy to ourselves.Ill tell you the advantages.

First of allthere are many kinds of vitamins in the tea leaves.They are good for our healthof course.For examplevitamin C.It can prevent atherosclerosis.

Sencondwe can cultivate temperament by drinking tea.It can also help us expel toxin and defer senility.

There are so many knowledge and advantages of drinking tea that I dont know.Sodrink some tea and make yourself in good health.














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