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席琳迪翁的《Because You Loved Me》是给谁写的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 04:48



热心网友 时间:2024-03-25 14:20


  Because You Loved Me 因为你爱我
  For all those times you stood by me 为了无数次你的支持,
  For all the truth that you made me see 为了所有你让我明白的真理,
  For all the joy you brought to my life 为了你带给我的无穷欢乐,
  For all the wrong that you made right 为了你更正的所有错误,
  For every dream you made come true 为了你使之成真的每一个梦想,
  For all the love I found in you 为了你给我的全部的爱
  I'll be forever thankful baby 我将永远心存感激。
  You're the one who held me up 让我振作起来的你,
  Never let me fall 对我永不放弃。
  You're the one who saw me through 你伴我度过
  Through it all 这一切的一切。
  You were my strength when I was weak 当我虚弱无力时,你就是我的力量之源;
  You were my voice when I couldn't speak 当我缄默不语时,你就是我的口舌代言;
  You were my eyes when I couldn't see 当我视而不见时,你就是我的明亮双眼;
  You saw the best there was in me 你发现了最好的我,
  Lifted me up when I couldn't reach 当我无力攀登时,你把我托起。
  You gave me faith 'coz you believed 你对我坚贞不渝,
  I'm everything I am 因为你相信我就是我。
  Because you loved me 因为你爱我。
  You gave me wings and made me fly 你给我双翅,让我可以展翅高飞。
  You touched my hand I could touch the sky 你拉我的手,让我可以碰触天空。
  I lost my faith, you gave it back to me 我灰心之时,你帮我重拾信心。
  You said no star was out of reach 你说没有做不到的事情。
  You stood by me and I stood tall 有你的支持,我就有了勇气。
  I had your love I had it all 有了你的爱,便有了一切,
  I'm grateful for each day you gave me 衷心感谢你给我的每一天。
  Maybe I don't know that much 也许除此之外我所知不多,
  But I know this much is true 但我对你的爱,我深信不疑,
  I was blessed because I was loved by you 被你所爱是上天眷顾。
  You were my strength when I was weak 当我虚弱无力时,你就是我的力量之源;
  You were my voice when I couldn't speak 当我缄默不语时,你就是我的口舌代言;
  You were my eyes when I couldn't see 当我视而不见时,你就是我的明亮双眼;
  You saw the best there was in me 你发现了最好的我,
  Lifted me up when I couldn't reach 当我无力攀登时,你把我托起。
  You gave me faith 'coz you believed 你对我坚贞不渝,
  I'm everything I am 因为你相信我就是我。
  Because you loved me 因为你爱我。
  You were always there for me 你总是在那儿守侯着我,
  The tender wind that carried me 像一阵轻风,将我托起。
  A light in the dark shining your love into my life 你的爱就如黑暗中闪耀的光芒,
  You've been my inspiration 你就是我生活的*。
  Through the lies you were the truth 你让所有的谎言都不存在。
  My world is a better place because of you 因为有你,我的世界更美好。

热心网友 时间:2024-03-25 14:21

Because You Loved Me 因为你爱我

For all those times you 2)stood by me 为了无数次你的支持,

For all the truth that you made me see 为了所有你让我明白的真理,

For all the joy you brought to my life 为了你带给我的无穷欢乐,

For all the wrong that you made right 为了你更正的所有错误,

For every dream you made come true 为了你使之成真的每一个梦想,

For all the love I found in you 为了你给我的全部的爱

I'll be forever 1)thankful baby 我将永远心存感激。

You're the one who 3)held me up 让我振作起来的你,

Never let me 3)fall 对我永不放弃。

You're the one who 4)saw me through 你伴我度过

Through it all 这一切的一切。

You were my strength when I was weak 当我虚弱无力时,你就是我的力量之源;

You were my voice when I couldn't speak 当我缄默不语时,你就是我的口舌代言;

You were my eyes when I couldn't see 当我视而不见时,你就是我的明亮双眼;

5)You saw the best there was in me 你发现了最好的我,

6)Lifted me up when I couldn't reach 当我无力攀登时,你把我托起。

You gave me 7)faith 'coz you believed 你对我坚贞不渝,

I'm everything I am 因为你相信我就是我。

Because you loved me 因为你爱我。

You gave me wings and made me fly 你给我双翅,让我可以展翅高飞。

You touched my hand I could touch the sky 你拉我的手,让我可以碰触天空。

I lost my faith, you gave it back to me 我灰心之时,你帮我重拾信心。

You said no star was 8)out of reach 你说没有做不到的事情。

You stood by me and 9)I stood tall 有你的支持,我就有了勇气。

I had your love I had it all 有了你的爱,便有了一切,

I'm grateful for each day you gave me 衷心感谢你给我的每一天。

Maybe I don't know that much 也许除此之外我所知不多,

But I know this much is true 但我对你的爱,我深信不疑,

I 10)was blessed because I was loved by you 被你所爱是上天眷顾。

You were my strength when I was weak 当我虚弱无力时,你就是我的力量之源;

You were my voice when I couldn't speak 当我缄默不语时,你就是我的口舌代言;

You were my eyes when I couldn't see 当我视而不见时,你就是我的明亮双眼;

5)You saw the best there was in me 你发现了最好的我,

6)Lifted me up when I couldn't reach 当我无力攀登时,你把我托起。

You gave me 7)faith 'coz you believed 你对我坚贞不渝,

I'm everything I am 因为你相信我就是我。

Because you loved me 因为你爱我。

You were always there for me 你总是在那儿守侯着我,

The tender wind that carried me 像一阵轻风,将我托起。

A light in the dark 11)shining your love into my life 你的爱就如黑暗中闪耀的光芒,

You've been my 12)inspiration 你就是我生活的*。

Through the lies you were the truth 你让所有的谎言都不存在。

My world is a better place because of you 因为有你,我的世界更美好。

热心网友 时间:2024-03-25 14:21

又不是她写的,何谈“给谁写的”呢?那是电影Up Close And Personal的主题曲~超级情歌制作人(当然也是很久以前的事了)Diana Warren写的~没记错的话96年的歌~

热心网友 时间:2024-03-25 14:22


热心网友 时间:2024-03-25 14:23

不是她写的,是96 年的歌曲Diana Warren写的
oppor9怎么长截屏啊 怎么从主板的型号来初步看主版的好坏? 膀胱括约肌松弛的症状 恢复感冒嗓子哑的方法 尿道括约肌什么用 怎么从主板型号上看主板性能 梦见辖区合并什么兆头? 2023年2月理发吉祥日 微信拍一拍满屏怎么弄 同等学力在职硕士与统招研究生区别 求because you loved me中英歌词 《Because You Loved Me》歌词的中文意思!! 谁有因为你爱我的歌词? because you loved me的歌词翻译 求计算机组网实训报告 高分求 !!!计算机网络组网实训教程的实训报告 深圳蛇口沃尔玛附近有没有便宜的旅店 痛风石要怎样治疗 出现关节炎、痛风石及肾脏损害时有哪些防治方法? 联想笔记本电脑 每次和别人视频语音 自己电脑的音乐和游戏声音在对方电... 我的联想笔记本电脑要自动关闭声音,特别是在我用其它软件的时候,一会儿... 设计速度是什么意思 flightplot软件怎么导出图表 怎么把coreldraw里的表格导出来 求问怎么把excel表格转换为能印刷的ai格式?最好详细点,急求,100悬赏我... 上海申领失业保险金应具备什么条件 我原本的图片和MV都很清晰,怎么一放到AE里面 画面全变的模糊了,怎么样... ai文件是否可以转换成EXCELL表格 如何用简单方法画圆弧 七匹狼是中国的吗??? 因为你爱我 celine dion - because you loved me I love you,because you love me.是个病句吗? all because love 是什么歌的歌词 女歌手唱的 “因为我自爱,我遇见了美好的你,因为你爱我,我遇见了更好的自己”这段... "i am anything i am because you love me"的中文意思 我爱你,因为你爱我,这不是爱情,是互换。。。是什么意思 “我爱你是因为你爱我”这样的感情是什么样的感情 女朋友网名是NChabit啥意思? habit情侣网名 新生儿便血吃什么奶粉 45天婴儿有便血,怀疑是肠道息肉,要动手术吗 黑色长款尼大衣配什么样的裤子和鞋子好? 日版iPhone 5s黑解过是什么意思?值得入手么? 如何利用防腐剂把野笋保存 我店铺是卖时尚女装的,能帮我取个好记有时尚的店名加上店铺广告语?_百 ... 日版苹果六解锁官解和黑解的区别 黑解后日版有锁机苹果6,有哪些注意事项 我手机是日版有锁黑解今晚我朋友不知道不小心点到升级提示手机进入升... 不用卡贴 黑解的日版手机 恢复出厂设置会不会锁机啊??