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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 04:33



热心网友 时间:2024-09-11 19:41

My best friend is a fairy, fairy living in Suitengumae. Him every day wearing a red T-shirt, Xianqi fluttering. Fairy appeared in the road every day at the end, I am the other side of the road with him the distance the sea . cents he would have ranked classes. him dressed in red vests Shan blood as Qimu. him is the plum blossom cents! fairy ah! fairy ah! You are my best friend! fairy ah! fairy ah! you never is my best friend!

Of all the resources on earth--oils,gas,gold and so on--nothing is as precious as a drop of rain.Learning about the properties of water helps us understand life on our planet. The most important thing we can learn about water, however,is that protect it and use it wisely....


My best friend is a fairy, fairy living in Suitengumae. Him every day wearing a red T-shirt, Xianqi fluttering. Fairy appeared in the road every day at the end, I am the other side of the road with him the distance the sea . cents he would have ranked classes. him dr...

谁能帮我用英语翻译下 这个小短文

译文:Paris Romantic capital I have not been there in urban this one. But its romantic place is enjoying a high reputation abroad well-knownly.Paris, capital of France is one of ten major well-known cities in the world. Paris is France's politics, the centres of economy and ...


My Chinese name is xxx,English name is XXX.My birthday is 1994.7.28.I birth in GUANGDONG.I'm a student.I'm 52kg weight and 168cm height.My favourite caler is black.My favourite food is (巧克力的英文不会).My favourite sports are football and baskeball.My favourite song ...

谁能帮我翻译一篇短文(汉译英) 急!急!急! 给分! 谢谢了!

I was happy to grow.My biggest weaknesses are not serious, there is not a good attitude. I now want to get rid of this bad habit, consciously started in the first place, followed by serious effort, and finally the joy of the harvest.参考资料:我!!!


I have a beautiful blue closet (衣橱).我有一个美丽的蓝色壁橱(衣橱) 。 There are my many clothes in it.有我许多的衣服了。Do you like my bedroom?你喜欢我的房间里? It looks very nice.它看起来很不错。 I like to be in it.我喜欢它。这样分开来一句句翻译,你容易懂些 ...


Hello everyone, please allow me to introduce myself. I am [Name] and I come from [Location]. Today, I have the honor of introducing a beautiful and pleasant place. Let's take a look at it together.Anhui has many famous mountains and waters. Huangshan, for instance, has ...


more popular as a professional, now the richest man - Bill Gates is a programmer. But not everyone has the ability when the programmer, most of the programmers who suffer from myopia, but every day the face of the computer, this will be harmful to our health.应该是这样的。


There are lots of transportation ways in modern cities, such as taking bus, subway,taxi, ridng bicycle and so on. But my favourate way is riding bycicle. Because it is an energy saving, environmental friendly and a cheap way. Going out by bicicle can also be arranged as ...


First, we go to the zoo to visit the Lions, the Lions look brave. Another thing to monkey park, because monkeys more likable, and then we go to a paradise for birds, a lot of birds. We will then have to Panda Zoo, which is China national treasures, and more action ...

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