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Fly On The Wall 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 06:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 21:38

歌曲名:Fly On The Wall
歌手:Thousand Foot Krutch
专辑:The End Is Where We Begin

Thousand Foot Krutch - Fly On The Wall
The other night, I had a dream
It was a world full of kings and queens
But it was cold, dark as the night
We were the fire on a moonlit sky
We were divided, we were the same
And we were free but we all wore chains
We couldn't see it, but we create it
A place between truth and overrated
If I could just see it all
Just like a fly on the wall
Would I be able to accept what I can't control
And would I share what I saw
Or just sit back and ignore?
Like nothing every happened
and I haven't seen you before
I'm on the run from the thief I let into my head
I know I hold the keys, so don't be scared when I turn and shout
I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words and your lies and just beat it
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain I don't need it
I want to live I want to be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe
We had a plan to build a wall
A great divide that would never fall
To separate us from all the pain
And keep us gathered turns locked away
And brick by brick we built it so thick
that it blacked out the sky and all the sunlight
And one by one we all became numb
We were making the bullets to a broken gun
If I could just see it all
Just like a fly on the wall
Would I be able to accept what I can't control
And would I share what I saw
Or just sit back and ignore?
Like nothing every happened
and I haven't seen you before
I'm on the run from the thief I let into my head
I know I hold the keys, so don't be scared when I turn and shout
I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words and your lies and just beat it
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain I don't need it
I want to live I want to be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe
I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words and your lies and just beat it
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain I don't need it
I want to live I want to be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe

miley cyrus的fly on the wall中英文歌词

I’m in the air/我无处不在 When you think you’re alone /当你旁若无人 I’ll be down in the hall /我会跟随入室 I could see it, if I was a fly on the wall /如果我是壁上孤虫,我会默默注视你 What you do in your room /注视你的一举一动 I could see it all /我...


你可能是搞错了,应该是:fly on the wall。fly on the wall(中文意思是“在墙上飞”),它出自专辑<BREAKOUT>,是90后的摇滚好莱坞女星miley cyrus(麦粒塞勒斯)于2008年的创作,连续上公告牌两周,是风靡青少年的一首摇滚歌曲。

Everything We Had (Album Version) 歌词

is no longer there It was the only place I'd never known Turned off the light on my way out the door I will be watching wherever you go Through the eyes of a fly on the wall You have been followed back to the same place I sat with you drink for drink Take the pain ...

Everything We Had (Psily Album Version) 歌词

is no longer there It was the only place I'd never known Turned off the light on my way out the door I will be watching wherever you go Through the eyes of a fly on the wall You have been followed back to the same place I sat with you drink for drink Take the pain ...

tatu的最新专辑是几月份出的 都有哪些歌

Glaza/Martian Eyes)07.Человечки(Chelovechki/Little People)08.Веселые улыбки(Veselye Ulybki/Happy Smiles)09.Running Blind 10.Fly on the Wall 11.Время луны(Vremya Luny/Time Of The Moon)12.Не жалей(Ne Zhaley/Don't Regret)

The Fevers的《Hey Baby》 歌词

歌手:The Fevers 专辑:The Fevers Hey baby Hey baby Hey Girls say, boys say Hey baby, hey baby Hey baby, baby I'm the kinda girl that Hangs with the guys Like a fly on the wall With my secret eyes Takin' it in Try to be feminine With my makeup bag Watchin' all the ...


fly on the wall没有人看见的旁观者bot fly肤蝇, 胃蝇, 狂蝇caddis fly【动】石蛾cheese fly干酪蝇crane fly大蚊, 长脚蚊(烟草及其他植物害虫)drone fly蜂蝇dung fly粪蝇ensign fly旗腹姬蜂flesh fly麻蝇fruit fly果蝇Hessian fly小麦瘿蚊hop fly酒花椿象ichneumon fly寄生蜂maggot fly嗜肉蝇march fly毛蚊meat fly...

‘ hey baby ’的歌词?

"Hey baby, baby"I’m the kind of girl that hangs with the guys Like a fly on the wall with my secret eyes Taking it in, try to be feminine With my makeup bag, watching all the sin Misfit, I sit, lit up, wicked Everybody else surrounded by the girls With the tank ...


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12. fly on thewall -> see flythe writing is on thewall -> see writing相关词组:wall inwall offwall up四、例句The picture on the wall is crooked.挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。The castle walls are very thick.城堡的墙很厚。I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled.我必撤去篱笆,...

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