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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 08:57



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 08:37

Fees and Scholarships
Annual overseas tuition fees for new students on full-time courses in the 2008/2009 academic year are shown below. The fees below cover the majority of our courses but there may be variations. If you would like to know the specific fee for your course please contact the International Office

Undergraate Postgraate
Taught Postgraate
Arts & Design £8,700 £9,000 £9,200
Built Environment £8,700 £9,000 £9,200
Computing £8,700 £9,000 £9,200
Science & Engineering £8,700 £9,000 £9,200
Sports & Psychology £8,700 £9,000 £9,200
Humanities, Health, Law £8,300 £8,300 £8,800
Business £8,300 £9,950 £9,200*
MA Human Resource Management £10,450
MBA £14,150
MA Public Administration £9,950

*Different fees apply for DBA programme - please check with the International Office.

International Foundation/Pre-Masters £8,000 (2 semesters)
ELSS/English Language £2,575 (1 semester) £5,150 (2 semesters)
English Summer School £1,300 (July/August entry) £2,600 (June entry)
Foundation Art & Design £8,000
Study Abroad USA
(and other countries not requiring English language) £3,550 per semester
Study Abroad East Asia
(including 12 weeks presessional English language) £6,905

Materials charge
For some courses a small additional charge for materials is payable in full at enrolment.

Tuition fees include:

Meet and Greet service

Inction programme for international students

English language tuition ring term-time if you need it

Help with study skills

Access to a wide range of student services and facilities

Discounts for early payment

For the 2008/09 academic year, the university is offering new and continuing overseas students a discount where the full year's overseas tuition fee for a degree programme is received on enrolment or earlier:

£1,000 rection in fees for new students paying their full fees 6 months or more before the start date of the course.
£500 rection in fees for new students paying their full fees between 3 and 6 months before the start date of the course
£300 rection in fees for new students paying their full fees less than 3 months before the start date of the course, or on arrival.
Please check the Terms and Conditions of Offer (see right) for the relevant deadline dates and details of how to pay.

Tuition Fee DepositsStudents who are required to pay a tuition fee deposit will be informed of this in their offer letter and are subject to the University's Deposit Regulations which are available to download from the right hand side of this page.

Living Costs
In addition to your tuition fees, you should allow enough funds to cover living expenses for the ration of your studies. The cost of living in Newcastle is among the lowest in the UK. The amount you will need depends on your lifestyle, but we estimate that the minimum amount required by a single student to cover basic living expenses (e.g. accommodation, heating, food) is around £6,500 for a 12-month period.


...的士的.已经好几年了.10年多了好像.想问下.会不会报废? 98年上牌的普桑 现在还能过户吗?手续齐全 年审到2012年9月 宿迁牌照能... 一个圆柱形容器(如图)里面的水深8厘米,把一个底面半径6厘米,高4厘米... ...水的高度是8cm,把一个铁制实心圆锥直立在容器以后 一首轻快地日文歌歌词有a xi da no u mei da DNF第三季70级暴风眼纯刷图加点 dnf暴风眼技能末日暴风需要什么前置技能 70暴风眼加点(暴力点的)(复制狗衮) dnf女柔道纯杀图,觉醒满好还是1好?高手来。。。 榆林神东还招聘员工吗 英语翻译 快 再线等 不要翻译器 国产的宝马有哪些车型?还有国内能经常见到的进口宝马有哪些车型?谢谢... 帮我看下这5款主板哪个性价比最好(5选1) 不抱怨的世界家长共读感悟 老婆登录老公的微信与支付宝怎么删除聊天记录、防止再登陆呢?_百度知 ... 求写鸣沙山作文的题目 鄯善国的历史记载 鄯善县的库姆塔格沙漠好不好玩 有什么项目? 急急急。。。 QQ2011最新版本的QQ好友数据库在那里的? 去洋沙山游玩作文100字 QQ好友数据库 鄯善沙山公园能进自驾车不?怎么样收费?公园能有住宿的地方吗费用是多少... 09版QQ的好友数据库文件在哪个文件夹? 游沙湖作文10000 鄯善县景点 鄯善沙漠公园有更多的历史吗? 鄯善县的风景名胜 2011版QQ的好友数据库的文件名是什么?原来的是user.db,现在找不到这个... 三年级作文题目是沙山公园四个季节的景色 游玩沙山公园作文四百字 奥运会参加的国家有哪些 用英文回答 加拿大红河学院的专业介绍 酸碱盐的化学通性(写出化学方程式) 牙齿有点发黑怎么办 我的一个门牙,看起来发黑了,应该怎么解决呢? 化学酸碱盐等的相互转化关系及其相应化学方程式 内蒙赤峰光伏发电1kw平均每天能发多少度电 仆虽不肖 常师此语的翻译 《师说》中所有“师”的意向 为什么好多难看的人。玩抖音。都上了热门。粉丝超多。他是不是花钱的... 求《师说》中所有“之”,“其”,“师”,“职”,“传”的用法或... 联通宽带送的机顶盒遥控器不好用了,但是按键的时候机顶盒的灯有反应... 看不懂有没有人愿意详细解说 看抖音是免流量的吗 每个月是扣九元还 ... 圣人无常师是什么意思,为什么圣人无常师呢? 我要《师说》的翻译TAT 求韩愈的作品《师说》的相关资料 1 师常师者未若师自然也 原文哪句是理解 作用是什么 2捧 任务描写角度... 吃了油腻的食物,肉类,拉肚子 中秋灯谜和答案,有6个以上,快,快,快。 中秋节灯谜猜成语大全