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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 13:34



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 00:12

Commodities purchasement and delivery sales management system for small merchant
Commodities sales management system is a typical management information system, its software development can be seen as two parts: application program and background data. The former requires the application program own advantages such as perfect function, convenient operation and easy maintenance. The latter need to be set a database with independent and complete data, strong security and high degree of data-sharing . The sysytem is developed under C# language as well as vs2008 based on web forms, it is perfectly matched with all the necessary conditions that an application software development requirement.
The system focused on the convenient use for staffs and better to manage the company's information. The system was made up of log model, goods purchasement model, goods sales model and basic information model. The system also create a nimble and safe platform for managers and helpful to harness employment management and treatment by using customer.
Keywords: stock with goods, sales, web, database


热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 00:12

Small businesses ship into a sales management system

Abstract: merchandise sales management system is a typical management information system (MIS), its software development can be divided into the application and back-end database two. While the former requires the application to the perfect, easy to operate, easy to maintain, to establish the latter requires data independence and integrity, and data security, data sharing, higher database. The management system is the C # language binding vs2008 development system, SQL Severe 2005 back-end database, web form development, full compliance with all the needs of software development and application.
This system is to facilitate the use of enterprise management personnel, so that the operations that users can better manage company information. The system is divided into the login mole, purchase mole, sales mole, the basic mole. This system provide managers with a convenient, reliable information platform will help customers better information management and processing of employment.
Keywords: stock, sales, the web, the database

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 00:13

Small business import and export goods sales management system

Abstract: merchandise sales management system is a typical management information system ( MIS ), its software development can be divided into application program and the database in two aspects. While the former requires the application program function is perfect, convenient operation, easy maintenance and the like, for the latter require the establishment of data of high independence and integrity of the strong, data security good database, data share of higher. This management system management system through the C# language combined with the development of VS2008system, SQL Severe2005 as the database, in the form web development, fully in line with the development of application software for all need.

This system is mainly for the convenience of enterprise management personnel to use, so that the user can better management of company information. This system is divided into moles, purchase mole, sales mole, the basic information mole. The system for the management staff to provide a convenient, reliable information platform, facilitates the use of better customer information on employment management and treatment.

Key words: purchase, sales, web, database
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