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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 09:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 08:43

1、why does person wear clothes? for protection and for decoration.
2、where does wool come from? It comes from sheep,as well as some other animals.
3、why In warm countries people like to wear cotton clothes? because they are soft, cool and comfortable .
4、why synthetic materials are cheaper than natural fabrics?because they are more comfortable than synthetics
5、which is cheaper between cotton clothes and wool garments? Cotton clothes
6、how are clothes made of wool ?They are very light and warm

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 08:43

1.what are the two needs of human need?
To eat and clothes.
2.What is the function of clothes?
People wear clothes for protection and for decoration.
3.What is the kind of materials for making clothes in this paragraph?
Wool is one kind .
4.What does wool comes from?
It comes from sheep,as well as some other animals.
5.Why in warm countries do people like to wear cotton clothes ?
Because they are soft, cool and comfortable .
6.Are cotton clothes cheaper than wool garments?
Yes,cotton clothes are cheaper than wool garments.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 08:44

1.What people wear clothes for?
People wear clothes for protection and for decoration.
2.where does wool come from?
It comes from sheep,as well as some other animals.
3.How are the clothes that made of wool ?
They are very light and warm.
4.Why do people in warm countries like to wear cotton clothes?
Because they are soft, cool and comfortable .
5.How many kinds of materials for making clothes that mentioned in the text?
Four.They are wool,cotton,silk and linen.
6.Why synthetic materials are cheaper than natural fabrics?
Because natural fabrics are more comfortable than synthetics.
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