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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 03:12



热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 16:36

努力了几个月,高考终于结束了。很累也很迷茫,即将要选择未来的路了。我也不知道下一步改做什么。成绩出来是好是坏我也不太在意了,只是希望快点进去新的生活环境了。Several months , college entrance examination having made great efforts have finally been over. Have made the road also, very perplexed , needing to choose future soon tired out very much. I know switching over what to act as next step neither. Achievement has come out being a new bag easy to be to have spoiled me caring about neither very much , to be only hope hurry up and going in.
高中里很多事情我也不想再去理会了,郁闷的,好的坏的 我也不想去管那么多。未来,或许会有更好的在前面等着我。
High school lining much thing I think that I think that the tube is so many neither going to neither go and having taken notice of, gloomy , good going bad again. Future, probably is able to have much better in front of to be waiting for me. Probably, rainbow is in not far front right away. .

再见高中。。! Good-bye high school. .
再见青春。。!!! Good-bye youth. . ! !


热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 16:37

The college entrance exams have been passed after several months’ hard work. I am tired and confused about choosing the road of future, I don’t know what I should do next, I even don’t care whether the score is high or not, I just want to have a new living environment.
I will never take notice of the many past things in my senior high school. Who cares whether it is depressed, good or bad. I really do not want to care so much. In the future, there may be something better waiting for me at the fore. Perhaps, rainbow is in the front not very far from here.
Goodbye my hours in senior high school~~!!
Goodbye my youth~~!!!

热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 16:37

The efforts of a few months, finally come to an end exam. Tired very confused, about to choose the way of the future. I do not know what the next step change. Results out of it is good or bad I'm not too concerned about, and just want to hurry up and get a new living environment.
High school a lot of things I do not want to go ignored, and depressed and good bad.I do not want to go. The future, it might be better waiting for me in front.
Perhaps in the not too distant rainbow on the front. .

Goodbye high school. . !
Goodbye youth. . ! !

热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 16:38

Hard for several months, the university entrance exam is finally over. Tired also very perplexed, should choose the road to the future. I don't know what to do next. Results out is good is bad, I also don't care too much, just want hurry in the new environment.
In high school, I also don't want many things to ignore, depressed, good or bad, I wouldn't get so much. In the future, will probably have better wait in front of me.
Perhaps, in front of the rainbow is not far.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 16:39

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What are you doing?你在干嘛?满意就请及时采纳哟^_^


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