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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 18:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 11:18

摘要Guangzhou is the capital of GuangdongProvince. lt's а large moderncity that develops fast. There are manytall buildings in Guangzhou. Most of themare office buildings. I hope I can work inthem one day. The streets are clean andwide. You nearly can't see rubbish in thestreets. Citizens like cooking very much, especially soup. Cantonese cuisine is one of the mostpopular cuisines in China that cater to manypeople's taste. Guangzhou citizens friendly welcome people fromall the country even all over the world withtheir delicately cooked cuisines. This is аdirect way to show their hospitality. In short,Guangzhou is a fantastic city that is worthyof visiting.咨询记录 · 回答于2021-05-30选择广东省的一个地方作为学校旅行的目的地,写一篇一百字英语作文(高一水平)您好,您的问题我已经看到了,正在整理答案,请稍等一会儿哦~Guangzhou is the capital of GuangdongProvince. lt's а large moderncity that develops fast. There are manytall buildings in Guangzhou. Most of themare office buildings. I hope I can work inthem one day. The streets are clean andwide. You nearly can't see rubbish in thestreets. Citizens like cooking very much, especially soup. Cantonese cuisine is one of the mostpopular cuisines in China that cater to manypeople's taste. Guangzhou citizens friendly welcome people fromall the country even all over the world withtheir delicately cooked cuisines. This is аdirect way to show their hospitality. In short,Guangzhou is a fantastic city that is worthyof visiting.你好,可以有个具体的地点吗,谢谢People often use "Baiyun Zhuhai"to refertoGuangzhou, the "white" refers to the Baiyun Mountain.Baiyun Mountain scenic area in the northern city of Guangzhou, about 17 kilometers away fromdowntown, is nine mountains in the southern part of the known as "the first mountain in South Vietnam,"said.Allegedly every autumn, often clouds rising up, make a mountain side into apiece of whiteclouds, like a veil, hence the name.Baiyun Mountain consists of 30 peaks in a cluster,the whole mountainarea of 28 squarekilometers, the highest peak of Mount Davis 382 meters above sealevel, is the peak of Guangzhou city.广州白云山,希望对您有帮助
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