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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 12:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 03:33

这个国内应该很少会有资源哦,这种片子 属于违禁的。估计太血腥了吧!!
“In God We Trust” is a psychological action horror trailer created with the meager budget of £1200.

God We Trust” serves as a demonstration piece designed to attract the
attention of Film Studios and potential investors utilising a “Look what
we have created with no resources, imagine what we could do with a
reasonable budget” approach.

“In God We Trust” imagines a near
future in which society is on the brink of collapse e to the Earth’s
deteriorating environment. Multinational corporations and international
governments have merged to form a small number of elite corporate power
groups, each vying for ultimate power and control over the remaining
populace. The story revolves around a momentous discovery made by
high-ranking research scientist Piotr Drabik. Employed by a corporate
entity known only as “ORTUS”, Drabik believes that his research has
enabled him to make direct contact with God. Chilling revelations are
uncovered as Drabik discovers the true nature of God’s will. As rumours
spread, shady elements within ORTUS orchestrate Drabik’s abction in an
attempt to subvert the end of days and realise their own nefarious
ambitions. All the while, the highest echelons of the church are acutely
aware of God’s true will. Having kept their best defence against
armageddon alive for centuries they prepare to fight once again. Caught
in the middle of the web, Drabik must find the strength to confront his
fears and ultimately decide the fate of us all. The only question which
remains is whether humanity’s future involves salvation or annihilation.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 03:34


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 03:34

期待 中! . .....        
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