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麻烦帮忙翻译一篇关于火灾急救的的英语作文 80字左右 十分感谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 10:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 19:23

When the fire broke out, to calm in the face. Say the fire, the fire extinguisher, with very small fire tools in the first time to save, prevent and slow the spread of fire. According to different fire escape, for good. Open the door to escape shall first touch the door lock. If the temperature is very high, explain the fire big at this time must not open the door. If the temperature is normal, said fire from his is far, at this point, open the door observation. That threat fire less than their cases, before getting out as soon as possible
帮忙写一篇80字左右的火灾急救 英语作文 吧。万分感谢

When the fire broke out, be sure to calm in the face. If fire rises was found, while the fire is small, can the with fire extinguisher, water and other fire tools in the first time, you should also save to cry out fire and of those around in the police. If there is ...

麻烦帮忙翻译一篇关于火灾急救的的英语作文 80字左右 十分感谢

When the fire broke out, to calm in the face. Say the fire, the fire extinguisher, with very small fire tools in the first time to save, prevent and slow the spread of fire. According to different fire escape, for good. Open the door to escape shall first touch the door ...


heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch. So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious. First aid is a very important first step in the treatment of bums. Causes of burns You can get burned by a variety of things: hot liquids, ...


and need to learn how to cope with the fire disaster.纯手写. 新手, 望采纳.


I am writing to you to express our sincere thanks to you. With your help, the fire was put off. It is hard for us to imagine, had the fire not been put off and had you not helped us, how many human lives would have been lost and how much property could have been...


double-check candles, heaters, stoves and other electric appliances, and make sure there are no open flames before leaving rooms. Lastly, do not smoke in the dorm.因为如果能够采取适当的预防措施,大部分的这些灾难本可以避免的,所以学生应该更好地被教育控制火灾的重要性以及措施。以下三个...


火灾逃生的英语作文篇一 One night, when I was about to go to sleep, I suddenly heard an explosion of bomb.I watched out from the window and saw that heavy smog rise from a factory near my home.Then flames leap out. My father realized that it was an explosion and then ...


in and out the human is most dangerous, extremely easily is wounded by the building in bricks and stones.In room: When the earthquake occurs, if in the indoors, stays in inside, extinguishes the fire, is far away the glass is specially the big window (including mirror and so ...

麻烦帮忙翻译一篇关于火灾急救的的英语作文 80字左右 十分感谢 火灾发生...

emergency English composition of 80 words or so thank you very much when the fire broke out, to calm in the face. Say the fire of very small Browse The Times: 11 times for points: 0 | problems with 10 days from the end of 23 hours | questioner: high day together 88 ...


The forest fire raging, Yosemite National Park mostseverely damaged area. Park related aspects according to the automatic interval timer shooting instrument to capture the moment a group of fire released official photos, thephotos can be seen in the fire burning, smoke at the scene,the...

关于火灾的英语作文70字 关于火灾的作文英语 关于火灾逃生的英语作文 火灾自救英语作文带翻译 火灾英文作文带翻译 关于火的英语作文 火灾如何自救英语作文 火灾自救英语作文 火灾英语作文150词
小米6X怎么把应用转到分身里去。 电脑开机时风扇都能转,就是显示屏显示无视屏输入。重启也没有用 我的电脑开机后只有风扇会转其它都没反应这是怎么回事 二十岁了女生还可以长高吗求大神帮助 二十岁了 还有可能长高吗?有什么方法??? ...说玛卡巴卡的意思 男生说晚安玛卡巴卡是什么意思 男生发晚安玛卡巴卡什么意思 法式碎花裙怎样搭配才能展现出优雅知性的美感? 早秋有哪些随性慵懒的法式风穿搭思路值得借鉴? 法式风格的红裙如何搭配才能凸显出高级感? 一篇关于介绍发生火灾时应采取的措施的英语作文 小作文:你是一名消防员,请你写一写遇到火灾时候的注意事项,请写出6句话 英语作文 英语作文,题目为:HOW TO SURVIVE IN A FIRE 介绍如何在火灾中逃生的常识:不少于60次!急!谢谢 6台喷气式发动机装在尾部的是什么飞机? 飞机尾部喷出的是火还是气体? 现代战机后面喷出的是什么? 飞机后面喷火的叫什么,叫喷火管(排气管)?还有它会像汽车那样排气吗。它的油耗和排气量是多少。 飞机进气道是进气的尾部喷气的叫什么名字? iphone人人网最近用3G一直上不去,前几天还能上去。。。怎么办啊?我用的是联通的卡,求解答 iPhone4用无线局域网登陆不上人人网 苹果手机怎么下载以前的人人网,求大神告诉摆脱摆脱 苹果手机怎么上人人网 怎么设置苹果6的来电铃声 什么叫转述句啥叫转述句 什么叫转述句 谁有财务EXCEL表格。就是日常开销的表格 报销及未报销之类的。在此先谢谢了 跪求做公司内账的表格,可以体现公司日常开支、利润,谢谢 我梦见我吻了他!!! 梦见老公在亲一个小孩的嘴,是什么意思 梦见我亲了已故的儿子。开始我亲了他的脸,儿子要求我亲他的嘴,可我连亲了两遍都亲不上,第三遍才亲上。 初一英语作文一篇 (60词就够)丰厚悬赏 海淀区文化和旅游局电话多少? 吉良吉影的劣 迹 吉良吉影的角色设定 吉良吉影的旁白 吉良吉影第一次打卖鱼强的时候是不是飘了?敢在射程内嘲讽卖鱼强? 这个符号ღ᭄ꦿ࿐帮我把吉良吉影放进去,谢谢大佬啦 青海湖湖边有坐圣山叫什么名字? 青海湖中间有一座山叫什么山? 取款机星期五下午5点跨行转账星期一几点能到? 青海湖的日月山在哪里 青海湖西边一座山(也有可能是地区)的名字 写青海湖日月山一年级的日记 德指期货开户选哪些平台比较好? 如何使得QQ账号显示成为邮箱账号, IE浏览器打开网页后出现未响应怎么处理 为什么我的IE浏览器打开网页的时候经常出现未响应,有的时候打开了,但是关闭了有的时候也会出现未响应 我的电脑是windows7系统,下了一个IE9浏览器,打开页面怎么会经常弹出“未响应”?谢谢!! Vanguard 精嘉 Alta+ 锐达+ 233AP 三脚架套装怎么样 这些是什么意思!!!关于Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0软件的