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go out and play的同意词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 09:41



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 00:40

away have a game追问用when提问她几岁?

go out and play的同意词

away have a game

go out and play together什么意思?

go out 是“出去”的意思。play together 是“一起玩耍”的意思。所以go out and play together是“一起出去玩”的意思。望采纳。

go out to的意思

go out to意思是出去、外出。go out:英 [ɡəu aut] 美 [ɡo aʊt]外出;出国;熄灭;出版 1、My husband and I both go out to work so we share the household chores.我和丈夫都出去工作,所以我们家务活分摊。2、People can go out to work in the daylight hours and ...

Les't go out and play中文什么意思


buddy wants to go outside and play

Buddy wants to go outside and play 翻译是:巴迪想要外出玩。我个人认为这个句子有些是不完整的,如果想要表示外出玩的话,可以说是:Buddy wants to go outside to play .但是如果说是外出并且玩什么东西,比如说打篮球,可以说是:Buddy wants to go outside and play basketball。

may I go out and play basketball?的肯定回答。

-Yes, you may. / Yes, please. 请抽吧。-No, you can't. / No, you mustn't. / No, you'd better not. 请不要抽烟。三、表示猜测,通常只用于陈述句。例如:You may be right. 你可能是对的。四、在口语中 can 可以代替 may 表示许可,但 can 较随便,may 更正式。例:Can I ...

may i go outside and play回答

May i go outside and play?Yes, you can/may go outside and play. 可以,你当然可以出去玩,或者 Of course you can.当然可以 I'm afraid you can't. 恐怕不行 You'd better not.你最好不要去

go out to play的翻译是什么?

Go out to play Had a holiday, dad drove our whole family to go out to play.We went to the beach.My sister and I happily in the sand runs. We took a lot of pictures. My sister and I buried my dad in sand. Mother and our mutual water spilt. We are very happy. In ...

go out是什么意思?

go out意思是外出;出国;熄灭;出版 英 [ɡəu aut] 美 [ɡo aʊt]一、外出交际;外出娱乐 I'm going out tonight.我今晚要出去玩。二、刻意;故意 You do not go out to injure opponents...你并非蓄意伤害对手。三、(灯)熄灭 The bedroom light went out after a moment....

go out and play with me


go and play stayathome的翻译 popular中文 goon run new year's day draw pictures stay home readbook cross the street
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