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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 14:54



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:41

三只小猪英语剧本The Story of the Three Little Pigs
旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune.
妈妈:Goodbye,kids!build your own house,but be careful of the wolf.
旁白:three pigs leaved their mother.after a while they met a man with a bundle of straw.
Pig one: “Please, grandpa, give me that straw to build me a house."
稻草爷爷:the house will be beautiful,but it easy to be broken down by wind.
Pig one:never mind.only for live.
稻草爷爷:it’s ok.here you are.
旁白:Which the man did, and the little pig built a house with it.then he went into his house,said happily.
Pig one:haha!now the wolf can’t catch me and eat me.
旁白:pig one falled asleep in his house.then pig two met a man with a bundle of sticks.
Pig two: "Please, man, give me that sticks to build a house."
旁白: Which the man did, and the pig built his house.pig three knew the house is not strong,but it is easy to do.so he lived in the house.pig three keep going.The third little pig met a man with a load of bricks.
Pig three:"Please, man, give me those bricks to build a house with."
旁白:So the man gave him the bricks, and he built his beautiful house with them.
Pig three:ok!my house is so hard.i mustn’t scare of the wolf.
旁白:Presently came along a wolf, he knocked at the pigone’s door.
狼: "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."
pigone answered: "No, no, go away."
The wolf: "Then I"ll huff, and I"ll puff, and I"ll blow your house in."
旁白:So he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew his house in。 pig one is scared,fortunetely he run away to the pig two’s house.
Pig one:I’m regretful that I didn’t listen to the grandpa.
旁白:Then along came the wolf。He is shouting.
Wolf: "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."
Pig one and two:"No, no, go away."
Wolf:"it’s very easy.sticks is not strong.Then I"ll puff, and I"ll huff, and I"ll blow your house in."
旁白:So he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed, and he huffed, and at last he blew the house down, luckily the little two pigs run away to pig three’s house.they are scared,but pig three seemed not to be afraid.
旁白:the wolf came, as he did to the other little pigs。
Wolf:Little pig, little pig, open the door."
Threepigs:"No, no, you are the wolf.go away"
Wolf:"Then I"ll huff, and I"ll puff, and I"ll blow your house in."
旁白:Well, he huffed, and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and huffed; but he could not get the house down. When he found that he could not, with all his huffing and puffing, blow the house down。
Wolf: "Little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips."
Three pigs:"Where?"
Wolf:"Oh, in Mr. Smith"s home field, and if you will be ready tomorrow morning I will call for you, and we will go together and get some for dinner."
Three pigs:"Very well,I will be ready. What time do you mean to go?"
Wolf:"Oh, at six o"clock."
旁白:Well, the little pig got up at five, and got the turnips before the wolf came。At 6 o’clock,the wolf came.
Wolf: "Little pig, are you ready?"
The little pig said, "Ready! I have been and come back again, and got a nice potful for dinner."
旁白:Then the wolf was very angry indeed, and declared he would eat up the little pig。
Wolf:you three little pigs. I wanna eat you.i will get down your chimney,and eat you.
旁白:When the little pigs saw what he was about, they hung on the pot full of water, and made up a blazing fire, and, just as the wolf was coming down, took off the cover, and in fell the wolf; so the little pig put on the cover again in an instant. The wolf died, they lived happily ever afterwards.
Three pigs:sing a song.
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