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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 15:35



热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 19:39

Name: Wang Linlin
Date of birth: 1979-11-27
Sex: Male
Finally Ecation: Associate
Work experience: 2006
The current monthly salary: 2,000 / month
Professional Title: Assistant Engineer
Phone number: 123456
E-mail: aa@bb.com
Foreign languages: Japanese level, English 4
Address: accounting positions (assistant accountant can always commentary), Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer certificate (MCSE)

Work experience:
2005-03 - has XX XX City Property Management Ltd. (Finance Ministry) accounting
March 2005 so far, the company responsible for the XX property and another city XX XX Limited cleaning services for all accounting and business affairs, the two companies of all types of management contract documents, to deal with all network services, by the company boss trust, The two companies in charge of the official seal.

2002-09 - 2005-03 XX XX City renovation Limited (Finance Department) Assistant General Manager
After graation in the company as assistant general manager, responsible for the management of all types of documents, prepared by the contract, all network management services.

Self-evaluation: Specializes in the translation, the English fluency can accurately express the meaning of the Japanese; years of accounting experience in computer systems management is more skilled.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 20:57

Name: Wang Linlin
Date of birth: Nov 27th, 1979
Sex: Male
Ecational background: Junior college
Work experence: 6 years
Current salary: 2000-3000/moth
Office holder: Assistant engineer
Mobile: 123456
Email: aa@bb.com
Foreign language level: Japanese level 1, English CET-4
Other certificates: Accountant position(Can get assistant accountant anytime), Microsoft certificated system engineer(MCSE)

Working experence:
2005-03--until now: Accountant(finance department) in ** city Estate management company
2005-3 --until now, responsible for account and instry commerial issue of the estate managment company and another ** city cleaning company, manangerment all kind of the contract documents, deal with all the network issue, get trust from the boss, take charge of the stamp of the 2 companies.

2002-09--2005-03 Assistant Manager direct in **cityXX furniture engineering company(finance department)

As the assistant manager direct of the company, responsible for all the documents, edit contracts, management all the network issue.

Self evaluation: Good at translate Japanese to Chinese, can speak Chinese to describe Japanese fluently. With several years account experence, good at IT system managment.
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