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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 14:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 20:01

Two and half years of software development and design experience, team management experience in a year

Are familiar with Structs, Hibernate, Spring development framework to understand Quartz, javamail. Be fluent in Ibatis, POI, JavaScript, PL / SQL and other technologies, the use of SQLServer, Oracle Database, skilled use of DWR, Jquery write Ajax applications, etc.

Engaged in communications, finance, logistics, project development and other BS.

In the development process, be able to skillfully use a variety of open-source framework for new technologies, participate in the writing of large-scale projects, testing and analysis and design. And can be customized according to customer demand, the corresponding software development to fulfill its responsibilities.


Current M2000 Software Development Engineer R & D group. The procts are mainly sold to countries in the world, mobile communications company. For example: Japanese telecom NTT Group, Czech Telecom, Spain's SingleRAN telecommunications. Is mainly used for centralized management of all 3G base station systems. And to achieve the current network upgrade. M2000 project team based on C + + and Java to realize. Built on top of Huawei's platform support. Business management throughout M2000. I am primarily responsible for the configuration management business achieved M2000. ,
Engaged in ERP proct development and design. Mainly the construction and strengthening of financial systems work. Disease on the performance of the project defects in tuning.
Initially as a program code functions involved in the project development of core moles. As well as technical and difficult discussion and research. After the participation in design work. On the detailed design of functional processes. One year after the management team, the achievement of project development of human resources management, and project schele integration control.

  Reporting object: department head

  Number of subordinates: 10


  Led 10-member team to develop the project using the technology, responsible for the daily database analysis and processing of data verification completed. Leading subordinates 【billing inquiry system data maintenance functions】, 【SMS e-mail platform to build】, 【School of Management】 overall system design services. During this period, with the relevant business groups have established a good cooperative relationship. And the joint efforts of the group to improve the value of the project applied


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 20:02

Self assessment

Two and a half years of software development experience, a team management experience
Familiar with Structs, Hibernate, Quartz, are developing framework, javamail. Proficient in use Ibatis, POI, JavaScript, PL/SQL technology, using SQLServer database, skilled in the operation, the Oracle DWR Jquery, etc. Write Ajax
In communications, finance, logistics, more BS project development.
In the process of development, able to skillfully use all kinds of new technology, open framework of large project design, testing and analysis of writing. And according to the customer demand, complete set pattern corresponding software development ty.

Work experience

Current research group M2000 software development engineers. This proct mainly sells object for world telecom mobile communications companies. For example: Japan, Czech telecom NTT group telecom, Spain SingleRAN telecom. Mainly used for various 3G base management system. And now nets to upgrade. M2000 project based on c + + and Java for implementation. Building on the platform support. Huawei, The M2000 business management. I M2000 mainly responsible for the configuration management business. ,

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Engaged in the development and design of ERP procts. Mainly for financial system and strengthening the construction work. The performance of the project optimization defect on the.

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Early in the program code ty, as the core mole to participate in the project development. And the technical difficulties in discussion and research. After working in design. The detailed design of functional process. After a year, to realize the project management team to develop human resources management, and control the project schele integration.
Reporting: departments
Number ten: subordinates

Leaders who make project team, 10, is responsible for the daily processed analysis of database data validation. Leading subordinate completed the bill query system data maintenance function and text messages and e-mails platform design institute of management system, etc. During this period, and the related business group has established good relations of cooperation. And in the team's efforts to improve the project application value
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Two and half years of software development and design experience, team management experience in a year Are familiar with Structs, Hibernate, Spring development framework to understand Quartz, javamail. Be fluent in Ibatis, POI, JavaScript, PL / SQL and other technologies, the use of S...


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English General IT skills [edit]Name proficiency skills time --- --- SQL Server in general 18 months ASP General in December HTML General in December JavaScript General in December VBScript General in December XML / XSLT in general 18 months C / C + + proficiency in 18 months ...




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Thank you for your busy day to review my material, hope you can give me a chance to show themselves!I am from Qingdao institute of technology services of professional level 2007 graduates, through some understanding of your company, I sincerely join your company, to become a member...


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