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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 09:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 20:45

Now has arrived this step, is holding the weak hope and the courage.Once confused heart, because saw your smiling face, both hands which shivered from the cheeks has moved out of the way gently. People brushed past who with me, I saw they have tears streaming down the face, is because weather not good? Once and they were same, has blocked from the sunlight with both hands, also thought actually the dark cloud forever paused in the space.As if the reality has I too many things to want to express.With that remote do not may and the vision looks at me, knew such meets the wound which the stabbing pain once faintly ached. Now has arrived this step, does AH~~~ actually also have how many the courage, actually also some how many strengths.Did not believe throughout own heart, why I don't understand.I did not know whether can wait till you, until that day appearance. You brushed past who with me, I saw you have tears streaming down the face, please don't again sad? I want to help you to wipe the tears gently, good thought actually oneself forever does not have this strength.As if the reality has I too many things to want to express.Wants to go all out continuously the past which conceals, until now I have not changed. Now has arrived this step, I did not know whether can wait till you, appears until that one day ............

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 20:46

Ivan Hearts
Now to this position, with a faint hope and courage. Have confused the heart, because you see the smile, Gently put the trembling of his hands away from the cheek.
After the people around me, I see their tears, Whether the weather is not good » And they have the same cover the sun with their hands, that dark clouds still remain forever in heaven. It seems that reality has too many things I would like to express. Do not use so distant look at me, know that the pain would have stinging wound.
Has now come to this step, AH ~ ~ ~ how much courage, how many forces. Still do not believe that his heart, I do not understand why. I do not know if you can wait until the day there.
After I close to you, I see your tears, sad not to please » I would like to gently help you Shiqu tears, but good that they did not always such a force. It seems that reality has too many things I would like to express. Has been desperately want to hide the past, to now I still have not changed.
Now come to this step, I do not know if you can wait until the day there


热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 20:46

《Ivan Hearts 》
Now come to this step, Peng Zhao faint hope and courage. Have confused the heart, because you see the Xiaoyan, Gently put the trembling of his hands from the cheeks Nuekai.
And I Cajianerguo people, I can see that their tears, because the weather is not good » And they have the same cover the sun with their hands, that dark clouds still remain forever in heaven. It seems that reality has too many things I would like to express. Do not use so distant look at me, know that pain would have Yinyinzuotong wounds.
Has now come to this step, AH ~ ~ ~ is how much courage, is how much power. Still do not believe that his heart, I do not understand why. I do not know if you can wait until the day there.
And I Cajianerguo of you, I see your tears, sad not to please » I would like to gently help you Shiqu tears, but good that they did not always such a force. It seems that reality has too many things I would like to express. Has been desperately want to hide the past, to now I still have not changed.
Now come to this step, I do not know if you can wait until the day when there ............

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 20:47

《Ivan Hearts 》
Now come to this step, Peng Zhao faint hope and courage. Have confused the heart, because you see the Xiaoyan, Gently put the trembling of his hands from the cheeks Nuekai.
And I Cajianerguo people, I can see that their tears, because the weather is not good » And they have the same cover the sun with their hands, that dark clouds still remain forever in heaven. It seems that reality has too many things I would like to express. Do not use so distant look at me, know that pain would have Yinyinzuotong wounds.
Has now come to this step, AH ~ ~ ~ is how much courage, is how much power. Still do not believe that his heart, I do not understand why. I do not know if you can wait until the day there.
And I Cajianerguo of you, I see your tears, sad not to please » I would like to gently help you Shiqu tears, but good that they did not always such a force. It seems that reality has too many things I would like to express. Has been desperately want to hide the past, to now I still have not changed.
Now come to this step, I do not know if you can wait until the day when there ............

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 20:48

"Ivan Hearts"
Now come to this step, Peng Zhao faint hope and courage. Have confused the heart, because you see the Xiaoyan, Gently put the trembling of his hands from the cheeks Nuekai.
And I Cajianerguo people, I can see that their tears, because the weather is not good » And they have the same cover the sun with their hands, that dark clouds still remain forever in heaven. It seems that reality has too many things I would like to express. Do not use so distant look at me, know that pain would have Yinyinzuotong wounds.
Has now come to this step, AH ~ ~ ~ is how much courage, is how much power. Still do not believe that his heart, I do not understand why. I do not know if you can wait until the day there.
And I Cajianerguo of you, I see your tears, sad not to please » I would like to gently help you Shiqu tears, but good that they did not always such a force. It seems that reality has too many things I would like to express. Has been desperately want to hide the past, to now I still have not changed.
Now come to this step, I do not know if you can wait until the day when there ............
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