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求Waiting in the wings 中文歌词?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 07:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:28

是waiting in the weeds吗?It's comin' on the end of August 八月的日子即将逝去 Another summer's promise almost gone 又一个夏天的约定即将走远 And though I heard some wise man say 尽管我曾听智者说过 That every dog will have his day 每个人都会时来运转 He never mentioned that these dog days get so long 但从未知道这段日子会是这样的漫长 I don't know when I realized the dream was over 我不知道什么时间梦会结束 Well, there was no particular hour, no given day 当然,没有确切的时间,没有确定的日期 You know, it didn't go down in flame 你知道热情不会消失 There was no final scene, no frozen frame 没有最后的落幕,没有凝镜 I just watched it slowly fade away 我只能看着它慢慢地消失 And I've been waiting in the weeds 我的心一直在荒芜中等待 Waiting for my time to come around again and 等待我的幸运时刻再次到来 Hope is floating on the breeze 希望在微风中漂浮 Carrying my soul high up above the ground and 带着我的灵魂飞向高处 I've been keepin' to myself 我始终坚持让自己相信, Knowin' that the seasons are slowly changing you 岁月会慢慢将你改变 And though you're with somebody else 尽管你在他的身边 He'll never love you like I do 但我知道他永远不会像我这样爱你 I've been biding time with the crows and sparrows 我邀请乌鸦和麻雀伴我度过这段时间 While peacocks prance and strut upon the stage 而孔雀却在台上昂首表演 If finding love is just a dance 如果寻找爱就像一场舞会 Proximity and chance 接近然后获得机会 You will excuse me if I skip the masquerade 那你要原谅我逃离这舞会 And I've been waiting in the weeds 我的心一直在荒芜中等待 Waiting for the st to settle down along the 。Back roads running through the fields 等待着尘埃穿过田野飘落街道 Lying on the outskirts of this lonesome town 躺在寂寞城镇的效外 And I imagine sunlight in your hair 想象你发梢的光泽 You're at the county fair 你在乡村的集市上 You're holding hands and laughing 你们双手紧握着欢笑 And now the Ferris wheel has stopped 突然摩天轮停止了转动 You're swinging on the top ,Suspended there with him 你和他一起悬在高空中摇摆 And he's the darling of the chic 他是漂亮的宠儿 The flavor of the week is melting Down your pretty summer dressBaby, what a mess you're making 短暂的时髦沿着你的夏裙慢慢熔化,亲爱的,你看起来是多么的糟糕 I've been stumbling through some dark places 我一直在黑暗中迷失方向 Now I'm following the plow 现在终于沿着犁印艰难前行 I know I've fallen out of your good graces 我知道已经拜倒在你的石榴裙下 It's alright now 现在已经走出黑暗 And I've been waiting in the weeds 我的心一直在荒芜中等待 Waiting for the summer rain to fall upon the Wild birds scattering the seeds 等待着如野鸟传宗接代般夏雨的进攻 Answering the calling of the tide's eternal tune The phases of the moon The chambers of the heart The egg and dart 钱伯斯的心情如月有圆缺般,一起随着潮汐的起伏投掷着鹅卵石而形成永恒的乐章 A small gray spider spinning in the dark 一只小灰蜘蛛在黑暗中织着网 In spite of all the times the web is torn apart 尽管这只网已经破碎不堪 And I've been waiting in the weeds 我的心一直在荒芜中等待 Waiting for my time to come around again and 等待我的幸运时刻再次到来 Hope is floating on the breeze 希望在微风中漂浮 Carrying my soul high up above the ground and 带着我的灵魂飞向高处 I've been keepin' to myself 我始终坚持让自己相信, Knowin' that the seasons are slowly changing you 岁月会慢慢将你改变 And though you're with somebody else 尽管你在他的身边 He'll never love you like I do 但我知道他永远不会像我这样爱你

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:28

告诉我 我们现在怎麼了
似乎我们在爱情游戏中 互相折磨太久


华灯初现 我坚定信念

!这叫什么号 百万医疗赔付后是否可以续保 前一年理赔过医疗险还能续保吗? 医疗住院险理赔后还能购买吗? 女生多大后可以不在长身高? 如何不用软件把手机投屏到电脑上手机屏幕怎样投放到电脑上 战时拒绝、故意延误军事订货罪既遂的处罚? 战时故意延误军事订货罪处罚标准 名师1+1导读方案:汤姆·索亚历险记目录 三星sm-g7200打开微信慢,无法正常收看,网速不慢。 shayne ward waiting in the wings歌词 wait in the wings 什么意思? 香港迪士尼人均消费 当前香港迪士尼乐园中物价如何? 餐厅啊纪念品啊什么的求报较详细价格 求最近去过乐园的各位前辈告诉我 金牛座初吻都是在什么时候 金牛座初吻在什么时候 星座什么年龄才得到初吻在什么地方 几月几号 十二星座什么时候初吻 手机电池的辐射有多大? 手机电池辐射严重吗? 请问在手机电池流水线生产车间工作对人体辐射有多大危害有多大 圣女果什么季节吃最好 4月份吃红圣女果是反季节吗 我刚结婚,体内雌激素少,在手机电池厂工作,有影响吗?那里有毒有辐射吗? 小番茄是饭前吃好,还是饭后吃好,睡觉前 手机电池厂对人体有辐射吗 沈阳市哪个工商银行可以办理外地 企业员工五险一金缴纳标准 陕西彬长孟村矿业有限公司怎么样? 孟村回族自治县长华米业有限公司怎么样? 孟村回族自治县建安铸造厂怎么样? 攀树运动的专业工具包括?应该选择哪种树进行攀爬? 求shayne ward的Waiting In The Wings的中文歌词 he waits in the wings 翻译 知道姓名,咋样才能知道电话号码 You will be expected to dressed in your costume and waiting in the wings 两个铁柱上面拴绳往上爬锻炼臂力体育器材叫什么名字 想要空间音乐shayne ward的一首歌《waiting in the wings》,的网址链接 英语翻译 He waits in the wings 笑笑笑死噢吗波boy是什么歌 英文歌 waiting in the weeds 歌词翻译 翻译下这首个歌词的意思 求老鹰乐队I've been waiting in the weeds歌词翻译 Eyes shine gently sadness and love A crush on devil angel in the wings这句话是什么意思啊 登机牌上的日期显示17sep14是什么意思 史上最强弟子兼一哪一集最好看 史上最强弟子兼一的各话列表 史上最强弟子兼一现在有第二部,我超喜欢这部动漫 史上最强弟子兼一一共有多少集 史上最强弟子兼一,TV版结束时漫画是第几话 请问哪位大神有史上最强弟子兼一的动漫网盘,求,感谢