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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 09:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 08:02

Bobby at the age of 16, a spoiled princess at home. With food and clothes on her free request and a card with indefinite credit , Bobby , like other juvenile girls, are always haughty and rebelling. His father could never bear the mischievous tricks in her endless play, one day the canary was sent to the well known serious boarding school for 'reinvention'. Her relentlessness with a trure enmity in the foreign world, no one would buy her fits of tempers. Though threwn into the frame of a well-behaved girl, the feral child would never obey every tiny principle set by others. Caution: well-fortified boarding shoold would confront itself with devastating consequences.
[psychological definition] feral child: it refer to the young indivial who is seperated from the human being at a young age, without the knowlege of social manners and language. Few feral children lived in this world nowadays , only over 100 cases have been reported. in most cases, they are abusively confined, still there are three of them who are feral children in nature.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 08:03

Little bobby ,16, is the princess of family .Even in the big city of L.A with no worries of living and a great credit card,yet bobby is still as naughty and rebelliousas as other girls in puberty.Her crazy mischieves one day push her father erupted so as to be transfered into a boarding school to get ecation where in exotic world nobody pick her at all. However, even on the way to girl's elegance in high gear, The wild will not be totally tamed.Notice: even in boarding school ,There will also exist an disaster from the miss.追问问题补充的那一段可不可以也翻译一下?翻译完追加到30分可以吗?

追答Psychology definaion : (Feral child) refers to children isolaed from human life from their youh so as not to undersand human life and language. it's rare with no more than 100 cases worldwide, most of which within are abuses of confinement and merely 3 naturally


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