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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 18:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 05:37

数学题:1:某药业生产厂家为支援灾区人民,准备捐赠320箱某种急需药品,该厂家备有多辆甲、乙两种型号货车,用甲型号车若干辆,则装满每车后还余20箱未装。如果单独用同样辆数的乙型号车装,则装完后还可以再装30箱,已知装满时,每辆甲型号车比乙型号车少装10箱。 (1)求甲、乙两型号车每辆车装满时,各能装多少箱药品? (2)已知将这批药品从厂家运到灾区,甲、乙两型号车的运输成本分别为320元|辆和350元|辆。设派出甲型号车u辆,乙型号车v辆时,运输的总成本为z元,请你提出一个派车方案,保证320箱药品装完,且运输总成本z最低,并求出这个最低运输成本为多少元?
2:如图,如图 已知∠1+∠2 180°,∠3=∠B,求证:∠AED=∠C (这道题的图我画不出来,我记得我做这道题的时候查电脑了,你自己去查查看看图,也很难哦!)
(A ) 1.-Is this your ruler?
-No, I ___ it's his pen.
A. think B. see C. look D. watch
(B) 2 Will you go and ____ the match with us?
A. see B. watch C. look D. look at
( B) 3 The old worker asked me if I ____ what the speaker said.
A. listened B. caught C. saw D. took
(B ) 4 After supper, he listens to the radio and___ a newspaper.
A. sees B. reads C. watches D. looks
(D ) 1. We don't know the word. Let's ___ in the dictionary.
A. look it B. look at C. look up it D. look it up
(C ) 2 Please____ before you cross the road.
A. look up B. look yourself C. look around D. look again
(A ) 3 Smith took the dictionary, ____ it and then____ it on to Philip.
A. looked at; passed B. put away; tried
C. looked up; spent D. paid for; put
(D ) 4 -What are you ___?
-My key.
A. look for B. finding C. look after D. looking for
(c ) 5 Could you please ___ my cat while I'm out?
A. look for B. look out C. look after D. look at
(C ) 1 I can't____ my pen. Can you see it?
A. look B. see C. find D. watch
(A ) 2 In the old days it was difficult for the poor to ____ a job.
A. find B. look for C. find out D. look after
(A ) 3 He____ his watch everywhere, but he didn't____ it.
A. looked for; find B. found; look for
C. looked after; find D. looked at; find
(B ) 4 Please___when we'll start tomorrow.
A. lookout B. find out C. find D. look for
(D ) 1 It ____ me about a quarter to go to school on foot every day.
A. pays B. spends C. costs D. takes
(D ) 2 My parents ____ about 1, 000 yuan for my school ecation each year.
A. spend B. take C. cost / D. pay
( B) 3 How much____this coat____?
A. pay; for B. does; cost C. does; spend D. does; take
(B ) 4 Quite a lot of people watch TV only to___time.
A. have B. pass C. take D. pay
(A ) 5 He ___ one hour on his homework yesterday.
A. spent B. got C. took D. cost
(A ) 1 Will you___ your new book here? I'd like to have a look at it.
A. bring B. take C. get D. carry
(A ) 2 A strong wind will arrive in Harbin. It will___ much rain.
A. bring B. take C. carry D. get
B(A ) 3 Don't forget to___ your school bag with you when you come here this evening.
A. take B. bring C. keep D. hold
(C ) 1. -Do you know Mr Brown?
-No, but I ___ him before.
A. often heard of B. have known C. have heard of D. often listen to
(C ) 2 Tom is listening to the teacher. But he can't ____ him.
A. listen B. listening to - C. hear D. heard
D(A ) 3 I haven't___ my good friend, John for years, i
A. hear of B. hear C. hear from D. heard from
B(C ) 4 He ____ and____ a sound in the next room.
A. listened to; heard B. listened; heard
C. heard; listened to D. heard; listened
(C ) 1 It was eight o'clock when I ___ the station.
A. got B. arrived in C. arrived at D. reached to
(C ) 2 Did you ____ the station on time?
A. get B. arrive C. reach D. arrived at
(A ) 3 What time did you ____ to school this morning?
A. get B. got C. reach D. reached
C( A) 1 -Will you please ___ us a story, Miss Gao?
-OK. Shall I ___ it in English or in Chinese?
A. tell; speak B. talk; speak C. tell; say D. talk; say
(A ) 2 He went on ___ for a long time, but he ___ so fast that few of us could catch what he___.
A. talking; spoke; said B. speaking; told; said
C. talking; spoke; told D. telling; spoke; talked
D(A ) 3 Could you ____ me how to ____ this word in French?
A. tell; speak B. speak; talk C. talk; say D. tell; say
(C ) 4 I saw him, but I didn't ____ to him.
A. say B. tell C. speak D. talked
( D) 5 Let's go and___ hello to him.
A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say
(D ) 6 Do you____English, sir?
A. talk B. tell C. say D. speak
( D) 1 Could you ___ me your dictionary? I want to find the meaning of this new word.
A. keep B. lent C. borrow D. lend
(D ) 2 I can ___ you my dictionary, but you can ____ it for only a week.
A. borrow; borrow B.' lend; borrow C. borrow; keep D. lend; keep
(B ) 3 -May I____ your bike?
-Certainly, but you mustn't____ it to others.
A. lend; lend B. borrow; lend C. borrow; borrow D. lend; borrow
( C ) 1 Why not____ us in singing some new songs?
A. take part in B. join to C. join D. to join
(B ) 2 He was ill, so he didn't ____ yesterday's leesons.
A. join B. attend C. take part D. join in
( C) 3 Next week we'll have a meeting____.
A. to take part in B. to join C. to attend D. attending
( B) 4 All of us ____the spring sports meet last Saturday.
A. joined B. took part in C. attend D. joined in
1. 1-4 A B B B
2. 1-5 D C A D C
3. 1-4 C A A B
4. 1-4 D D B B A
5. 1-3 A A B
6. 1-4 C C D B
7. 1-3 C C A
8. 1-6 C A D C D D
9. 1-3 D D B
10. 1-4 C B C B
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