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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 21:42



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 00:09

Peter Parker is a typical 18 year old who is smart, but is picked on by Jocks and is too shy to talk to the beautiful Mary Jane Watson who lives next door. Until the day he is bitten by a radio active spider, then the next day he feels different, he can sense things coming at him, he can spin a web, he also has incredible strength, and he can stick to walls. At first Peter decides to use his new powers for show, but after a terrible tragedy, Peter decides to use his powers to stop crime and help people, by becoming Spiderman. Then a super villain called the green Goblin is bent on mass destruction, it is then up to Spiderman to stop him. I enjoyed this movie because it had a lot of action and was not boring.

Well I saw the first and Thought .. OK, nice movie, but nothing special. So I wasn't looking much forward to the second one. Boy was I wrong.. The second one has it all... And I mean all. Suspense, romance, action and some quite nice Effects. Tobey Maguire is performing well, and Kirsten Dunst... wauw.... she is breathtaking...And only 22, so we can only hope to see more of her the coming years. Last but not least, Alfred Molina, who is the bad guy. He is very convincing and very very nasty. The computer-effects used are better than I have ever seen. Now you get the feeling of flying. I recommend all to see this movie, yes girls too. Remember.. movies are best in the cinema!
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