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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 21:49



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 16:04

The critical realism literature starts declines, after American realistic society's profound change (Civil War), causes the literature change, this is realism starting and develops. It appears in the US capitalism day by day decayed stage, namely transits from the non-monopoly capitalism to the imperialism time. At that time the social rich and poor opposition, the class contradictions intensified day by day. This time some family backgrounds in the petty bourgeoisie's writer, embark from own social stratum, on the one hand, condemned that capitalist system's evil, describes people's pitiful life, reflected that people dissatisfaction which rules to the bourgeoisie; On the other hand, they also have the fantasy to the US bourgeoisie's democracy, proposes all sorts of improvement measure. But when imperialism's muddy stream arrives, they harbor the mood which despairs pessimistically to explore indivial destiny and the home to return. However, Marxism thought dissemination, also causes vibrates greatly, causes the American writer community to split up, some from the lower level and the tendency progressive writer, receive the labor movement the influence, has experienced the thought exploration process, attracted for the ideals of socialism, participated in the labor movement, started to create some advanced literary work. The work selects material from the real life, had reflected the lower level working people's pitiful life, has exposed the monopoly capitalist class brutal natural disposition, has complained the ruler to people's persecution.
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